Recommended Books?

I am entering the community @ 2014 / 2015 Platinum Edition.
There are many things above basic CAD that I could use to refresh or learn.
Are there any great books out there that will cover most of the topics?
Bill M


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  • What CAD program are you coming from, ACAD etc.  there is an online book available here on the Bricsys site for ACAD to Bricscad Users.
  • I am 20 years removed...
    Was learning on ACAD release 11... (hahaha)...then life took strange turns.
    So I am effectively starting over.
    Brics will be perfect for my needs but there are many things i was in the middle of starting to learn when I stopped.

    Was thinking of a "Mastering Autocad" book but not sure which release will be closest to current and future Brics.
    I'm sure many things will transfer easily.

    Any recommendations greatly appreciated.

    the alternative is flood the forums w/ silly questions...(JUST KIDDING)
  • I still often refer to "Harnessing AutoCAD 2006" & Ralph Grabowski's "Illustrated AutoCAD 2006 Quick Reference" (as 2006 was the last Autodesk license I had).
    Similarities between AutoCAD & Bricscad far outweigh the differences.
  • Well there's this click link;

    AutoCad for Dummies

    or the book by Ellen Finkelstien.

    Both should help you immensely.

    Depending on your use requirements, if you are to be doing a bunch of modeling or 3D drawings you would need to stick with the latest version material, for 2D drafting 2012 version and up should work just fine.
  • Almost forgot, keep in mind Bricscad does not have the capability to create dynamic blocks, so there is no need to get into that. (FYI ACAD 11 did not have dynamic blocks either)

  • Well there's this click link;

    AutoCad for Dummies

    or the book by Ellen Finkelstien.

    Both should help you immensely.

    Depending on your use requirements, if you are to be doing a bunch of modeling or 3D drawings you would need to stick with the latest version material, for 2D drafting 2012 version and up should work just fine.

    As i read through the manual and other material it seems that most of the holes in my knowledge will be the advanced 3d and lisp realms.
    So it looks like I will try the current version of this book to start with and narrow it down from there.

    Thank you all for the thoughts,
    This is going to be fun!

  • Hi Bill,

    I have info on my website listing support options for BricsCAD

    There has been a recent post on this forum in regards to getting support on LISP.


    Jason Bourhill

    CAD Concepts
  • Thanks Jason,
    I haven't needed a book yet and have been running solely off the Brics manual and....
    A stunning amount of video on
    (way better than youtube and we needed it for other software anyways)

    Will go through all your resources as well.

    I'm getting back up to speed fast :)
    Platinum was a good purchase.

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