Layout size to traditional engineering drawing sizes

To set drawing size (which I think is same as layout size) I only find reference to PAGESETUP.  There the sizes are tied to a printer.  There is also a choice for user defined, but no place to enter width or height.

How can I get traditional US engineering drawing sizes?
A 8.5 x 11
B 11 x 17
C 17 x 22
D 22 x 34
E 34 x 44


  • With none/default printer selected the biggest I can get is A3.  Too small.
  •  If you install a free pdf printer such as PDF Creator, which you can then assign as your default printer,  a variety of paper formats will be available, including ANSI standards.
  •  I use Bullzip for my PDF printer and it ships with the ARCH sizes of paper, however it doesn't come with ANSI sizes.  All of my stuff is ANSI, with the majority being the C sheet as the fabricators I work with find it a little nicer to use in the shop...
  • PDFXchange has Arch. ANSI, ISO.
    PDFill (free) has Arch, ANSI, ISO, Metric, JIS.
  • PDF995 has all the paper sizes you can ever imagine, and you can control the bit density of the output from coarse 72dpi to superfine 4000dpi, select Color or Monochrome, Landscape or Portrait, and it's FREE!  The PDF file sizes seem to be smaller than many other pdf print drivers, too.  No watermark or advertising embedded on the prints either.  You can use it as a PDF print driver for any program that you print from (word, excel, paint, browsers, you name it).  I've been using it for about 15 years.  The accessory PDFEdit995 lets you build sets of PDF documents from an array of PDF sources, along with a host of other features.
  • Is there any way to reduce the number of page options?  For example, I never use the European paper sizes, so it would be good for me to be able to remove them from the list of paper sizes.  I assume this is a function of the printer driver.  Somewhere in my past, I have a very vague recollection of being able to edit the list of paper sizes. I don't recall what program it was.

  • Don't know if you're referring to pdf printer or hardware printer, but on my HP plotter:
    Edit Plotter Config / Settings / Custom Properties / More Sizes.
    Gives me the option to check or uncheck ISO, ANSI, DIN, JIS, Arch, etc.
    Neither of my pdf printers, however, offer such options.
  •  In AutoCAD there is a filter paper sizes area that allows you to show only those sizes that you used for a particular printer, the filtered list was then saved when you created your .pc3 printer, it might be there but I can't find it in BricsCAD - it would be a handy feature for users new to a particular setup and for increasing efficiency when printing.
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