Speed of BricsCAD



  • Oh, You quoted your own text too, very confusing.

    The major advatage of lots of ram and multi core cpu is: since a OS is a collection of multiple apps
    The risc of reaching the limit of the processor or ram does not happen anymore.
    Sure an app may hang but that doesn't interfere with the other apps .

    XP is now known as a target OS since Microsoft has dropped the support.
    Upgrade to windows7 32 bit or 64 bit.

  •  Since thiis was a gaming motherboard, I decided to try a mild overclock.   Upped the  CPU freq. from 3.0 to 3.2 Ghz, and RAM from 800 to 1066 Mhz.  I don't have any good benchmarking software, so I opened the file Stefaan posted.    The time to open reduced from 33 to 30 sec, and 23 to 20 sec. on V14, and V15 respectively.   Considering everyone told me V15 was more of a resource hog, I am surprised by the results.
  • <



    blockquote class="Quote UserQuote">

    I use Bricscad V14 professional 64bit and now testing a trial version of Bricscad V15 Platinium 64bit on Windows 7 professional 64Bit. 

    The 3D dwg was created on a HP XW4400 workstation , dual core 2,4Ghz, 4GB ram , ATI FireGL V7200 video and windows XP 32 bit. 
    (company PC) Using: Autocad 2012 up to 2014. Many problems partly due to that autodesk  stopped to certifify the videocard since autocad 2011. 
    Since thiis was a gaming motherboard, I decided to try a mild overclock.   Upped the  CPU freq. from 3.0 to 3.2 Ghz, and RAM from 800 to 1066 Mhz.  I don't have any good benchmarking software, so I opened the file Stefaan posted.    The time to open reduced from 33 to 30 sec, and 23 to 20 sec. on V14, and V15 respectively.   Considering everyone told me V15 was more of a resource hog, I am surprised by the results.
  • Fast opening is in the first place the speed of the harddisk and what the harddisk is doing else on that time.
    Second, speed of cpu.

    I've upgraded to V15 today, V15

    From C disk 11 seconds
    From network via 1 gbps connection: 29 seconds

    Anyone with the same secs should get the same results:

    Detailed specs:

    AMD FX9370 processor : 8 core 4,4Ghz , turbo 4,7Ghz, no hyper threading: less chache then intel tho
    Mainboard: Asus Sabertooth
    32GB (4x8GB) DDR 3 ram 1800 Mhz
    Seagate constellation  2GB 7200 rpm sata6 128MB cache ST2000NM0044
    128GB SSD contains Turboboost but also used for temp data for Bricscad.
    Nvidia quadro K600 1GB DDR3 , next year a quadro 2000 with GDDR5
    Huge tower cooler 15cm high.
    Windows 7 64 bit

    Very important: up to date drivers..and the massive ram helps also.

    About amd: the processor is loosing in benchmarks from Intel but, Bricscad is not a benchmark app.
    And, things like Office alsno not.

  • Just a hint / clarification about "general performance drop" with V15 :
    in earlier V15 releases, there was indeed a bad impact of a BricsCAD-internal database reactor (for DirectModeling), which was active in any license mode;
    that has been fixed in one of the more recent BricsCAD V15 versions ... so there should be no real performance drop with actual V15 anymore
    (particulary, performance has even improved, for several contexts).

    Many greetings !
  • My head hurts reading all this!  I am saving my money for a workstation for my home.  I will load it up with everything I can afford.  Work is a different matter..  I have to use what they give me, and the last time I asked for anything, I got a lot of grumbles.  

    Bye for now.  Thanks again to everyone for their input on improving BricsCAD speed.
  • Work related: as soon when You have to wait between each commands  , no matter which 3D program, I would say, reasons enough to complain.
    On my old company pc: this drawing could be opened but slow zooming and frequent autocad crashes. by autodesks Heidi.
    I did not choose Intel simply cause amd can handle the task and prices are more acceptable.

    I would choose intel for video production or heavy mathematical tasks.

    And video related, I have better results with Nvidia compared with amd video.

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