realtime updates between drawing explorer (layers) and main-map

I have 2 screens.
(In AutoCAD) I use to have the main-window one screen 1 and the (drawing explorer with) layers on screen 2.

In BricsCAD, when the drawing explorer is activated, the main screen is deactivated. 

When I change things in the layers, I then have to first close the drawing explorer, before changes to apply in the map.
On the long run this costs me quitte some time ....

Is there a setting (or other solution) to change this?


  •  Hi,
    I think that there is a way to create this functionality only by programing (for example in C#)
  • I don't think there is any way for the dialog to stay open but you can see the changes interactively while it is open. There is a regen button on the toolbar inside the drawing explorer that allows you to update the display changes. There is also a button that will regen the drawing as you make each change.
  •  Thanks for your replies.
    We will have to do with the regen buttons for now.
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