Opening drawing file only one at a time problem - behaving like SDI

I was playing around with another program which has changed the behaviour of Bricscad.

Now when I click a drawing file it opens. Then I click another file it opens Bricscad again. resulting in 2 Bricscad windows.

It is behaving like SDI is on (like autocad) but I understand Bricscad does not have this feature.

Does anyone know how to fix?


  • I had that happen once, a long time ago. I believe it was a registry key, but I'm not sure which one.
    HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/Bricscad.load.dwg/shell/open/command sounds like it should control that.
    Mine has the following value:
    [code]"C:\Program Files (x86)\BricsCAD V13\bricscad.exe" "%1"[/code]
    Is yours the same?

  • Hi,

    Yeah mine is the same.

    I will keep looking.
  • Have you tried turning on the SINGLETON variable? You can go it by typing Singleton Yes (Enter). That's supposed to prevent multiple instances.
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