TXT2MTXT for v15?

Is there a txt2mtext .lsp for v15.?

I cant seem to get the one below to work. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for help :)

TXT2MTXT.ZIP Converts text objects to mtext using three different methods.  Individual mode, each text object is converted in place.  Stack mode, all text selected is automatically converted to a single mtext. Multistack mode, all text is converted into multiple logical clusters, forming multiple mtext objects. 07-15 v12-v14 2014 image
Manual Hookup Procedure
  1. Start the supported CAD application.
  2. Issue the NETLOAD command.
  3. Browse to the installed folder, the default is:
    32bit: C:\Program Files\DotSoft\Text2Mtext
    64bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\DotSoft\Text2Mtext (see note)
  4. Choose the approproate DLL for your CAD version from the table.
    Choose the [Open] button.
CAD Version Module
AutoCAD 2007-2009 Text2Mtext17.dll
AutoCAD 2010-2012 Text2Mtext18.dll
AutoCAD 2013-2015 Text2Mtext19.dll
BricsCAD 12.0 Pro+ Text2Mtext12.dll
BricsCAD 13.0 Pro+ Text2Mtext13.dll
BricsCAD 14.0 Pro+ Text2Mtext14.dll
ZWCAD 2014 Pro+ Text2Mtext24.dll


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