How to make BricsCAD v13 amd64 work in archlinux

 Hi! I am trying to make BricsCAD work on my arch.

santi@misil ~ $ uname -a
Linux misil 3.17.6-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Dec 7 23:43:32 UTC 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux

_ I downloaded BricsCAD-V13.2.17-1-en_US-amd64.deb from bricsys web:

_ Then use deb2targz
$ deb2targz BricsCAD-V13.2.17-1-en_US-amd64.deb
deb2targz: converting 'BricsCAD-V13.2.17-1-en_US-amd64.deb' ...
deb2targz: skipping section 'debian-binary'
deb2targz: skipping section 'control.tar.gz'
deb2targz: wrote 'BricsCAD-V13.2.17-1-en_US-amd64.tar.gz'

_ Copied each file where it goes (/opt and /bin).
_ Run bricscadv13 and get
$ bricscadv13
/opt/bricsys/bricscad/v13/bricscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

_ Symlinked the lib, run again and get
$ ln -s /usr/lib/
$ bricscadv13
bricscad: error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

Seems like package isn't amd64... some help?
Thanks in advanced!


  • BricsCAD (Linux) V14 is the first version that comes in a 32 bit and 64 bit version. The 64 bit version contains 64 bit binaries, whereas in V13 the installer for 64bit systems contains 32 bit binaries.

    You will have to install 32 bit versions of BricsCAD dependencies. Or you could try BricsCAD V14.

    To run BricsCAD V13 on a 64 bit system, there are some useful knowledge base articles
    In the Support section of our website (see the bar on top), search for "64 linux".
    Mind that we have no Arch-specific information, but still the knowledge base articles contain relevant information.
  • Hey Tijs! Thank you.

    You're right, V14 run just smoothly, without workarounds. I am testing it, but I think I'll keep DraftSight which is free and there is a package for Arch.

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