Polyline grips


Does anyone knows how to get middle grip on a straight polyline?
Now I only get end grips, but middle one is very useful when stretching the polyline.
Without it I have to stretch one end and then the other.

Thanks for the replies!


  •  Just to add, Bricscad version in question is 14.2.17 (x64) revision 35160.
  • This is implemented is version 15. Version 14 does not have this function.
  • Wouldn't stretching by the middle grip, be the same as Moving?
    Although I sometimes do that with lines, I find the absence of the middle grip useful to quickly see if a line is a polyline.
  • I see the introduction of midpoint grips as an unlucky choice - they just clutter the display without adding new editing possibilities.

    My preference would be something like:
    1.) dragging an edge of a selected polyline (grips displayed) should (as is) move the whole polyline, but CTRL-dragging an edge should only move ('stretch') the selected segment.
    2.) moving an edge should by default not keep length and angle of the moved segment constant (which results in altering lengths and angles of the adjacent segments), but keep the angles of the moved as well as the adjacent edges fixed (altering only the lengths), in other words slide the edge along its normal. This would be consistent with moving a face of a solid.
    If all 3 edges are lines, this should be fairly easy to implement, but it should also work if one of the edges is an arc (resulting in altering its radius). Hitting the SHIFT key while dragging could switch back to moving the edge around freely.
    3.) the same could work for edges/faces of a solid with grips displayed: dragging could directly invoke DMMOVE on the selected subentity.
    4.) CTRL-clicking an edge of an unselected polyline should select only the edge, for editing with normal 2d commands (move, rotate, scale, delete).
    5.) everything possible with polylines should also be applicable to non-associative hatches.

    Maybe there is some loose thinking in this, but to me such behavior would look more intuitive...
  • Would be nice if midpoint grip has another form/ color + the ability to enable/ disable them. It's difficult to identify witch grip is which when u have a polyline with 100 vertices or more.
  • Is there a way to disable the mid-point grips?  I too fine them really irritating.
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