Xref line types.

Another question,
When I load an xref, all the line types are displayed as "continuous" when viewed from paper space even though the lines are in a different linetype. In AutoCAD I was able to rectify this in the line type manager by clicking the button beside "use paper space units for scaling". 

Is there a similar option in Bricscad?  The xref is fine in model space. 



  •  Possibly a "PSLTSCALE" issue? Try toggling PSLTSCALE.
  •  Set PSLTSCALE to 1 and LTSCALE to 1

    This is the same for AutoCAD and BricsCAD. I think that is exactly what the button in AutoCAD is doing.
  • With PsLtScale off, any given dashed line entity is divided into the same number of dashes in paperspace as it is in modelspace.
    So if, as you say, the xref is fine in modelspace, I would think all you need to do is turn PsLtScale OFF for any layout tab on which you want to view it.
    But note that doing so will also affect any other viewports on that layout tab. If they looked right with PsLtScale on, they probably won't look right with it off.
    In the templates that come with Bricscad, the default value of PsLtScale for all layout tabs is ON.
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