Engraving that follows curvature...

Ideas anyone?
To do a literal transfer of the same lettering you could make use of generative views (_VIEWBASE):
- Generate a view of the punch with the lettering.
- Unlock the generated vport and set its scale to 1:1
- Use _VIEWEXPORT to export a copy of the view to model space.
- Position, then use boundary detection to _SUBTRACT from 1/2" punch. If boundary detection doesn't work, then _EXPLODE the blocked view, and convert the lettering to a _REGION, then _SUBTRACT.
If you do this a lot you could setup a block library of letters, or keep details of the font type and settings.
Regards,Jason Bourhill
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How about make a copy of the engraved piece, scale it to the same diameter. Make a new copy without the engraving then make a subtract of the two you will now have ONLY the engraving in correct scale to subtract from the other.
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Hmm almost worked except the text did not fit.
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My approach:
Step 1: Create solid letters.
- Copy the original punch.
- Create an exact cylinder that covers the letter section of the copy.
- _SUBTRACT the copy from the cylinder.
- You now have solid letters that are curved (note: the letters are one solid).
Step 2: Increase the thickness of the letters.
The curvature of the letters is too large to create a flat slice and then extrude a face. So we have to use an alternative to get thicker letters.
- Create a stack of multiple copies of the letters.
- _UNION the stack.
If you want to use the letters again you may want to save the solid letters that you now have (with flattened top and bottom faces of course).
Step3: Give the letters the new curvature.
- Create a cylinder matching the outside of the new punch.
- Create another cylinder with a radius that is smaller by the required letter thickness.
- _SUBTRACT these cylinders from the letters.
- You now have letters with the correct curvature.
Step 4: Applying the letters.
- _SUBTRACT the letters from the new punch.
Done!0 -
How about make a copy of the engraved piece, scale it to the same diameter. Make a new copy without the engraving then make a subtract of the two you will now have ONLY the engraving in correct scale to subtract from the other.
Right. But the text was formed around a smaller radius. How is it going to fit on the larger diameter tool?0 -
Roy, Jason, and Patrick,
You guys are smart! I knew you'd hash this out and very quickly come up with a solution.
Thanks.0 -
Jim, do you really need curved letters or would it work if they had flat bottom ? In that case you could extrude a font . Move and rotate it around an axis and then subtract it. Way easier but not curved. (use explode font)
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Been busy on other things, but finally got back to this yesterday. Your method worked perfectly, although I had some confusion for a while figuring out what to subtract fromo what.
Thank you.
I think the flat bottomed font would also work fine, and be simpler. However, I was not able to extrude any text. What font were you using, and how did you extrude it?0 -
Standard Arial TTF rightclick (V13) or quad (V15) and explode font. Make a poly and extrude.
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I had some problems with this at first... I normally grab the EXPLODE tool from the modify toolbar, or invoke it from the command line. But applying that tool didn't result in anything that could be turned into a polyline. I applied the tool multiple times. But that still didn't give me anything PEDIT could turn into a polyline.
I finally returned to your directions and realized you referenced the EXPLODE tool found in the quad. Sure enough, it created lines which could be turned into polylines, and extruded.
I didn't realize that there is more than one explode command, and that the quad picks the one it thinks appropriate.0 -
Nor did I I dont know where it sits in the menus. For those interrested I have another little nice XPLODE that for example explodes everything into the layer the block sits in or various other versions. To me its really useful sometimes.0
Imprinting 2D-Polylines onto REVSURF or RULESURFS is possible.
So even engraving should be possible too.
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@ Jochen: Can you explain how this 'imprinting' is achieved?0
The IMP-ROT is part of a project I'm doing for WWW.ANT-ARES.de
Depending on the ROTATION-Surface you get a rectangular sheet to draw the 2D-polylines within.
The coordinates of these polylines are projected onto the (U,V)-coordinate system on the surface (and become 3D-polylines of course).
In case of interest I can upload a limited pre-demo-version.
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@ Jochen:
Are you creating a UV map from the vertex coordinates and the MVertexCount and NVertexCount of the mesh? Or do you have direct access to the UV coordinates? Would this also work for 3D solids?0 -
I use my special U,V-system, dividing the borderlines in equidistant series of points. The dividing comes from SURFTAB1 and SURFTAB2. The program is only working with "old fashined" meshes (no surfaces).
Sorry, I have no idea yet, how to use it for surfaces.
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SURFTAB1 and SURFTAB2 control the M and N density of a mesh, so we are talking about the same thing.0
Guys what hits me now is that you could use this when extruding your letters up to the cylinder. ( see video)Then you extrude lets say 2 extra mm before you subtract and voilá !Very close but the letters are note draped on the curvature if one is picky.0