Angular Dimension: Place Text Over The Other Arrow


I've created an angular dimension and regardless of which entity I select first the text is placed over, well I am not sure which entity it is placed over.  Unlike linear dimensions, the text is placed over the second dimension point, so all I have to do if I know where I want the text is to watch which point I choose first.  Is there a way to do this for an angular dimension?


  • You mean, how is the dimension text placed for angular dimensions when DIMJUST is set to 3 or 4?

    It would seem for angular dimensions that the text location is governed by how BricsCAD works with angles internally, not by the order of selection. Internally zero degrees is east, and the angle increases in an anti-clockwise direction. I would think that it is this way because the order of your selection isn't stored in the dimension entity.

    This seems to be odds with the Drawing Explorer graphic that is displayed when setting the dim style. The graphic infers that you can choose the location. However another CAD application I know of works in exactly the same way.

    Regards, Jason Bourhill CAD Concepts 
  •  Ahh perfect, thank you for the hint Jason, when the angular dimension was too small to have the text fit between the extension lines I needed to switch the location of the text to the other side, by changing DIMJUST to 1 (from 0) the text swapped to the other side of the dimension and all is well.  Setting DIMJUST to 2 seemed to put the text back to the same position as DIMJUST 0 in this case, for a larger angle the difference between DIMJUST 2 and 0 becomes apparent.

    I had to look up DIMJUST in the help manual as I was unfamiliar with it, this variable controls the 'Text position horizontal' which can be found under the Text area in the properties panel for a dimension.  Incidentally this will also allow you to switch the text location for a linear dimension which is too narrow to fit the text between the extension lines.
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