duplicate entities--Entidades duplicadas

 It happened to me that at some drawing, that all entities have doubled, will I have repeated on each other .... not wanting to do drawing,
Know any combination of keys or anything you can think of that can cause this ?.

Me ha pasado que en algun dibujo, que todas las entidades se han duplicado, vamos que tengo el dibujo repetido uno encima de otro....sin hacerlo queriendo, 
Conoces alguna combinacion de teclas o algo que se os ocurra que pueda provocar esto?.


  • There is a procedure that can duplicate all entities in a drawing:
    1. Select all entities, e.g. Ctrl+A
    2. Copy the selection set to the clipboard: Ctrl+C
    3. Paste the copied entities to their original location: Ctrl+V followed by Enter.
    You can get rid of duplicates using the OVERKILL command.
  •  Thanks Louis, many steps for a mistake.
    But I do not rule me has passed.

    Gracias Louis, son muchos pasos para una equivocacion.
    Pero no descarto que me haya pasado.
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