Missing all the default plot styles

 I don't know when this occurred  but my default pen style table (as well as the some of the others, such as monochrome) went missing.  i can start a new one from scratch, but I can't figure out how to get the existing ones back.  The standard BricsCAD support paths seem to be there, though the one for plot styles is not specifically listed.  I manually added it, but my page set-up still does not show it, even though I restarted BricsCAD.

How can I get my pen tables back?



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  • I assume you've searched your drive for any .ctb files?
  • AIUI, the .ctb files are located by default on newer Windows versions at \AppData\Roaming\Bricsys\Bricscad\\\PlotStyles (where the default is C:\Users\). Should be in Settings | Program options | Files | Printer support\Plot styles path (aka PlotStylePath).

    Could one of the elements of that string have changed? E.g., logged-on under a different user name?
  •  I did have the .ctb files at C:\Program Files (x86)\Bricsys\BricsCAD V14 en_US\UserDataCache\PlotStyles
    But, there are none in user directory.  There is a Bricssys directory, inside the temp sub-directory, but it is empty.

    I do have the following item first in my support path,

    But, in the hard drive there is nothing below the Bricsys directory.

    The pen tables were always in the support path, in a sub-directory. This is the listing in the support path.
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Bricsys\BricsCAD V14 en_US\UserDataCache\Support\en_US

    So, they existing, but I can't get BricsCAD to see them, or even find a way to manually brows to them to load one.

  • AIUI, the .ctb files are located by default on newer Windows versions at \AppData\Roaming\Bricsys\Bricscad\ \ \PlotStyles (where the default is C:\Users\ ). Should be in Settings | Program options | Files | Printer support\Plot styles path (aka PlotStylePath).

    Could one of the elements of that string have changed? E.g., logged-on under a different user name?

    Arghhh... The path above included variable elements inside of angle brackets. Apparently the forum's editor is set to discard those, so the text doesn't parse as displayed. Let's try regular parentheses: (userprofile)\AppData\Roaming\Bricsys\Bricscad\(version)\(language)\PlotStyles where (userprofile) is C:\Users\(username).
  • C:\users\username\appdata\roaming\BricsCAD\v14x64\en-US\plotstyles
    C:\program files\Bricsys\BricsCAD v14 en_US\UserDataCache\plotstyles
    (Assuming 2nd line, program installed on C:)
    Search for your .ctb files on local drive(s) or in backup media.
    Copy them to the 2 locations.
  •  I hate to create two locations of identical files.  This creates confusion when ever I attempt to edit or create new files that should be in the same directory. 

    Does BricsCAD install CTB files in both locations?
  • Joe

    the UserDataCache folder is the BricsCAD source for user support files. When you first run BricsCAD it copies the content of this folder across to your Appdata folder location. In BricsCAD none of your settings should be pointed at the UserDataCache, the default is to point at your Appdata locations.

    If your UserDataCache folder is empty, or missing files, then you will need to do a re-install of BricsCAD to refresh.

    If the folder in you Appdata location is empty, or missing files, then make sure BricsCAD isn't running, and then rename the current folder to something else. e.g. rename V15 -> V15-Org. When you re-start BricsCAD it will see that the support folder is missing, and recreate it using the contents of the UserDataCache.

    The location of CTB files is set by the PlotStylePath variable.
    The location of PC3 files is set by the PlotCfgPath variable.

    Regards, Jason Bourhill CAD Concepts 
  • See under Settings: Printer Support / Plot Styles Path.
    Will show you where .ctb are stored.

  • I had not been aware of this separate printer support directory.  I manually created the C:\users\username\appdata\roaming\BricsCAD\v14x64\en-US path and copied the directories there.  Problem solved.

    Thank you very much Mr Deans.

  • Thank you very much Mr Deans.

    You're welcome. We're all in this together.
    And a thank you to Jason for insight on UserDataCache / Appdata directories.
  • I have created a Cadsetup directory on a network disk. All my installations point to this one and as soon as I make an upgrade to a menu , a printsetup or a template everyone gets it. ( You have to make shure you map the disk the same on all machines.)

    Dont know if this applies to you Joe but it might be useful to someone.

  • Hello Patrik.

    Watch out! If someone elses Bricscad is still running meanwhile you are closing yours with any upgrates to a menu, the one overwrites your new setting again in the moment he closes Bricscad.

    Or I didn´t get your trick and you should explain me again.
    I tried a lot and came out with me (drawingadmin in our office) having my supportmap on my local machine. Everytime I change settings I overwrite the supportmap laying on the server as directory for all the other people in the office.

    Hope you can help with a smarter solution.
  • For example I put my partial CUI files in this folder and as soon as someone starts their BRICSCAD they will have the new update. Same with PC3 etc..

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