Regression in 15.2?

Hi, all

I'm currently doing an evaluation of BricsCAD on OS X, and have been reasonably pleased so far.  I started the eval on 15.1, and then a few days later 15.2 was released so I downloaded and installed to continue the eval on the latest/greatest.

Immediately after upgrading I noticed that dynamic dimensions no longer seem to work as they had before.  For example, dragging out a rectangle in a 3d modeling workspace, only one of the two dimensions is editable.  The other doesn't even display properly, it just flashes in and out of visibility, and no amount of tabbing will move the cursor to that field.  Same for a polyline, the length is editable but no amount of tabbing will move the cursor to the angle field.

So, did the behavior change on purpose and I now need to do something differently, or is this a regression?


  • >dynamic dimensions no longer seem to work as they had before

    I confirm this.  It is not intentional, it is a regression.
    Thanks for reporting.  I have noted this as a high priority issue.

    If you encounter other issues, please enter a support request, follow up is easier that way.
    You can still enter a support request for this issue.  If you do so, please mention internal issue number #5038.

    Thanks again!

  •  Thanks, Tijs

    I've filed SR62967 to track this issue, and also filed SR62966 for a separate issue with the dimension styles in the default templates.

This discussion has been closed.