Edit and Delete Posts

This forum - any technical forum that relies on accuracy/correction of mistakes - needs Edit Post and Delete Post facilities (available only to the author of the post).


  • Any comments? Any word from Brics?
  •  Hi Tom,
    We collect all forum feature requests.
    The most requested features will be implemented in the new version of the forum.
    Best Regards,
  • The lack of editing ability is less of an issue on this forum, since threads are not typically very long.  On a forum with threads that run for many pages, if you could not edit, a correction may get buried in the pages of the thread.

    Editing is a feature that is virtually universal on internet forums.  So, it is expected, and perhaps tends to encourage people to be less diligent to check their posting before hitting the "post" button.  For me, when I realized that the edit was missing, I think it hit me more as a, "This is the 21st century, why can't they figure out how to fix this?" kind of moment, rather than something that was really necessary.

    If I had a choice between a programmer fixing a bug in BricsCAD, or adding the edit feature to the forum, my vote goes to the bug fix.

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