Viewports of command VIEWBASE

 Good afternoon,

I am using the command VIEWBASE to generate the views of a 3D model.

In the paper space I change the size and scale of the viewports generated to adjust the views.

Then the problem arises if I change the model in the model space: when I open the paper space again the viewports are updated (that is OK) but the size and the scale of the viewports change to the original ones (that is not OK).

Do anybody know how to remain the size and scale of viewports fixed?.

Thanks in advance,


  •  Gents,

    I have solved the issue of the scale.

    But if I change the size of the viewport to show only a part of the 3D model, when the view is updated the size of the viewport change to round the complete view of the model. Could be possible fix the sizes of the viewports?.

    Thanks in advance.
  •  Gents,

    I have solved the issue of the scale.

    But if I change the size of the viewport to show only a part of the 3D model, when the view is updated the size of the viewport change to round the complete view of the model. Could be possible fix the sizes of the viewports?.

    Thanks in advance.

    Hi RAfael,
    I stumbeled upon the same problem. I didn't find any workaround. This makes generated views quite limited since one can only have certaine entities in them, not just parts of entities.
  • I couldn't figure out how to make the generated views work for me, so I generate the views and export back to model space and then cut the blocks out and paste into my drawing (this is why I liked the XGENERATEVIEWS command of previous versions a lot more than the current VIEWBASE - a few steps could be saved).  There is no connectivity between the views and model when things are done this way, but, there were a couple of issues that I saw no other way around: 
    1. Entities needed to be placed onto specific layers so that a part could be highlighted on the GA or shown in relation to others in the model;
    2. Putting all 250 or so drawings that I have created in one file, each on their own layout tab, would yield a horrendous drawing to work with;
    3. In some cases, only a portion of the model needs to be shown, which highlighted the issue noted in the first posting here;
    4. With a continually evolving model where parts are placed on top of others the drawings would quickly require a lot of rework to ensure that new items didn't obscure previously detailed items in each drawing.
    Using the model as an XREF in each drawing would solve number 2; a solution to solve number 4 eludes me at the moment.  To solve number 1 I suggested to the BricsCAD team that the VIEWBASE and related commands create layers based on the part name used in the mechanical browser - with this you could easily customize the appearance of a drawing which would then put you ahead of other parametric programs, but this would be a fair bit of reprogramming and would create a huge amount of layers.
  • Hi Scott,

    the workflow you described (cerating generated views and than importing them into model space to create constuction document there) is one of the workflows I tried. It's not too bad, but having to re-export generated views every time the 3D model changes is very inefective, so I dumped this workflow. I actually had all of my models in one file (10 pieces of furniture) and  I created all generated views on one layout - this was a working layout, which I didn't print. The advantage was that when I exported generated vies to model space, all of the picese of furniture were exported at once. I didn't have to go piece by piece.

    Now I tried having every piece of furniture in seperat file and work just with generated views. The porblem I am having now is that when I change the size of gnerated viewport, it changes back to it's original size every time the views are updated. I didn't find any solution for this problem.

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