Communicator trial not working?

Have the latest Brics Platinum but can't seem to get the trial for the communicator module working. Went to file menu and activated it but try to open a Creo file I get the message to install communicator. It tells me I have 31 days remaining on the trial so it's "in there" somewhere. Anyone come across this? 


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  • Did you download and install the communicator module? It's a separate download to BricsCAD

    Regards, Jason Bourhill CAD Concepts 
  • That's probably the culprit right there. Thanks Jason!
  •  Hello Jason,
    Please provide additional instructions, as Communicator V16 will not open a SLDASM file, which V15 did open.  I had been using the trial version of Communicator V15.  I removed both Bricscad and Communicator V15 before loading V16 of each.  Bricscad V16 Pro is running well, with its new licence.  Communicator is still on the 31-day trial.
        Dan S.
  • Hello,

    I also have problem using trial version of communicator. I have new V19 Bricscad Pro installed on my PC. I got STP file from my customer and tried to open it, then noticed I need communicator module also. Then I downloaded trial version, but it's not working at all. Only appears icon that Bricscad communicator license is not activated. So I downloaded other STP viewer.
    I manage Bricscad licenses in our company, and I am little bit annoyed about new pricing policy in Bricscad nowadays, I think we don't get value for money for higher license fees. Perhaps we search another program.

  • As a new BricsCAD user of about three weeks, I cannot get the trial version of Communicator as the corresponding BricsCAD Platinum v19.1 compatible release to work. When invoked, a message states that I have no license to use Communicator.

    Please provide a solution or confirm this issue as a problem with the application.

  • Here is the command line message (attached)...

  • Type UseCommunicator in the command line, then set its value = 2. Close and restart BricsCAD.


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