export-to-PDF quality problem

when I successfully export my lay out to PDF the quality of the lines become unsharp and heavy wich results in smeared color blocks instead of hatched forms. The drawing lines also are thick and rounded at corners and endings.
In 'export options' I already turned "Pdf use plot styles" off but with no result. 
Suggestions are greatly appreciated


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    blockquote class="Quote UserQuote">

    when I successfully export my lay out to PDF the quality of the lines become unsharp and heavy wich results in smeared color blocks instead of hatched forms. The drawing lines also are thick and rounded at corners and endings.
    In 'export options' I already turned "Pdf use plot styles" off but with no result. 
    Suggestions are greatly appreciated

    additional info:
    it is only the drawing with is seen trough the viewports that has this problem.
    Everything that is drawn/written on the lay out level is OK
  • Johan,
    I have a similar problem with pdf exports.  The resulting pdf looks fine when viewed on a Mac with Preview, but when opened on a Windows system with Adobe Acrobat all of the text is "smeared".  As I zoom in close, the text becomes clearer.  One of my clients says that when he prints the pdf, it is sharp and clear.  I do not like to send out pdfs that look this way on screen, and I can't tell it is happening until I get a report back from a Windows user that I've sent the pdf to.
  • BricsCAD(Mac) V16.2.16 has just been published including important fixes for export to PDF.

    The text quality should now be fine (provided the setting variable PDFTTFTEXTASGEOMETRY is set to 0).

    Kind Regards
    Tijs Vermeulen
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