Toolbar positions

I have a question about workspaces. I have gone through all of the toolbars and added their position in the CUSTOMIZE dialog. I have set WSAUTOSAVE to on (1). But every time I launch BricsCAD, my toolbars are squished and scrambled on the top toolbar dock. What am I doing wrong?  If this is a bug, please fix it quickly.  This is not going to be accepted by our team.  Except for this problem, BricsCAD is better than ProgeCAD.  I am the official tester for our team. 
Bill DeShawn


  •  You don't have to set the toolbar positions in the Customize dialog, just arrange them on the screen. Positions are remembered for each workspace separately.
  • I had trouble with workspaces reverting back to their original state randomly until I started saving them under a new name using the workspace command; following a change I forced a save using the workspace command's save feature.
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