DXFIN Script


I have a  script that does a DXFIN and then does other stuff that doesn't matter right now. The thing is that the dashdotted lines and the dashed lines are "shrinked" and look almost like continuous lines.

I have changed the INSUNITS variable but it's the same.

By the other hand, when I do the DXFIN in the command line, it works perfect.
I have tried everything, including making the script just to do the DXFIN and it happens the same.

I tried it in Autocad and it works perfect, so must be something in Bricscad.

Hope you can help me.


  • If called from a script the _DXFIN command imports the DXF into the current drawing. Called from the command line _DXFIN opens the .dxf file. Using the _OPEN command in your script instead of _DXFIN should solve your problem.
  •  Thanks, it worked just right.
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