Brics Performance

Why is the Brics Performance limited when i freeze certain layers? 
When I freeze the layer and then select a block (other layer) and move the block the movement is very jerky... 
When i thaw the certain layer the movement is clean again. ?!


  • I just tried freezing a layer and moving an object that is on another layer, everything was fine, mind you, I don't have any layer fading turned on; however, I am not sure if it applies to frozen layers. Are you working with a 2D or 3D model?  Try running the command REDSDKINFO to ensure that all of your drivers are up to date.  Your first question makes me think it is an issue with the drawing itself, maybe something in the drawing is corrupted, I would run the PURGE command to remove any debris from the drawing, followed by the AUDIT command to check the drawing itself for errors.  If you open a new drawing and try to recreate the issue does it reappear?
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