Need Path to detect the BricsCAD's serial key and version

Dear Sir/Mdm

As I has some customised programs written in lisps and VBA for my clients.

I hope you can reveal to me the path where is the Bricscad software serial key was stored, so that I can input this serial key in my programs for validating.  Beside the software serial key path, I also need to know where to detect the software version and brand of the software.

 This is to prevent my clients to populate my programs to other Bricscad software which wasn’t purchased by me or another type of CAD software.

 Hope all this steps can be achievable via lisp routine with in-built Bricscad commands.



  • ACADVER and LICKEY should be fine for this, using /getvar) function ?
    many greetings !
  • For the brand name:
    (getvar 'product)

    For the software version I would use:
    (getvar '_vernum)

  • You can use LICFLAGS to retrieve the current License type. For V15 this is a boolean made up of a combination of the following:
    0 = No Components Licensed
    1 = VBA is Licensed
    2 = ACIS editing is licensed
    4 = Platinum

    I haven't checked in a while. Earlier versions may have been different

    Regards, Jason Bourhill CAD Concepts 

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