XDWGFADECTL - didn't work

 Hello everyone :)
I have problem with command XDWGFADECTL. I have BC 15.3.05 (x64) rev. 39062. No matter what value I'll put the program always remembers 70 and fade didin't work. Please help :) 


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  • Hi Tomasz,

    Do you mean that if you set XDWGFADECTL to 30, then close and restart BricsCAD and check the value again, it has changed back to 70?

  •  Hi Owen,

    I set value to 30, then I check again - 70 :(. It looks like the value 70 was fixed and can not be changed.
    I think this is problem with my Bricscad. I installed the same version of the program on another computer and it's works!
    Reinstalling the program does not help.

  • Is there any code in any of the start-up files that could be setting this value?
  •  What start-up files can that be? I must check. What  I should looking for?
  •   What start-up files can that be? I must check. What  should I looking for?
  • Tomasz, as Martin has suggested, it's likely that you have a startup file (like on_start.lsp or on_doc_load.lsp) setting the value to 70.
  •  Ok. Tomorrow I check these files.  
  •   Ok. Tomorrow I check these files
  • I found the source of the problem :)
    I use a program FDBES Ventpack (for HVAC) and he is a problem :). Thank you all for help.

  • I'm glad you found the reason. Thanks for following up!
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