Stop specific Fields updating

I am trying to use fields to insert a date into my drawings.

Each time I insert the date, it is to indicate part of a drawing I have altered on that particular day.

The next time I open the drawing on another day, the date is updated to that day!

I know I can alter the updating in settings, but this seems to be global and I only want this particular field to not update.

I am getting round this by exploding the field after I enter it, but this negates using the field facility and I might as well just use conventional text.

I'm probably doing something wrong or there could be another way of adding the static date to a drawing.

Thanks in advance,



  • In this particular case I don't think that fields are going to be your solution. By nature they are designed to be dynamic. You can turn off automatic updating, but you're only delaying the inevitable. An alternative would be to use some code to generate the time stamp for you. The following LISP will generate the date and time.

    [code](defun JYEAR ( / curdate year month day phour pmin filedate)
                    (setq curdate   (rtos (getvar "CDATE") 2 8)
                          year      (substr curdate 3 2)
                          month     (substr curdate 5 2)
                          day       (substr curdate 7 2)
                          phour     (substr curdate 10 2)
                          pmin      (substr curdate 12 2)
                          filedate  (strcat day "/" month "/" year " " phour ":" pmin )

    Regards, Jason Bourhill CAD Concepts 

  • Jason,

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    I loaded the lisp you kindly supplied, but can't seem to get it to work.

    Can I run it as an ordinary lisp file on its own or do I need to add it to something/somewhere else?


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