Dynamic Sheet numbering

I have just about tried everything I can think of to get this right...but page numbering seems to be a major headache with everyone that use Bricscad. I have 80+ sheets in my model view, which I have created new sheets for which only print the specified spot in the model view. I tried adding fields, assigning the sheets to sheet sets...placing the fields in the modeling view and then moving them to the sheets themselves...nothing seems to work. The fields don't update properly, and most of the times stay stuck on the current sheet or sheet set which was opened. I have 7-8 different categories, each with a differing amount of pages. Anyone out there that can maybe provide some insight?


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  •  See the pdf in attachment to learn how to use sheetset properties in title blocks: 2.2 Title blocks in a large project is about the solution you are looking for.


  •  Thank you Louis, I will have a look at this and get back to you ASAP. Thanx!!
  •  Hi Louis

    I tried the suggestion as mentioned in your last post, split my drawing up into separate folders, compiled separate sheetlists for each and every drawing (the page numbers differ as each set starts from 1 again)...and everything looks fine when I view the sheets. The page numbers generate correctly. But as soon as I try and publish/plot the sheets, the current-page-number values default to just --- on all the pages, while the total amount of pages stays intact. If I print directly from the Paper space view, It correctly displays the drawing numbers. It's as if the plotter doesn't render the sheets individually while printing them, thus throwing away the value for each current sheet?
    imagePDF Preview.jpg
    imageSheet Sets.jpg
    imagePaper Space Preview.jpg
  •  Hi Toni
    It's a while ago I wrote these instructions. If I understand you correctly: page numbers render correctly when printing individual sheets, but not when using a sheet list in the Publish dialog?

  •  Hi Louis

    Yes, that's it. They render correctly when printing individual sheets from the paper view itself, but not when printing from the Publish or Sheetset dialogue. Is this maybe because I am not approaching this correctly - by creating too many new sheet sets?
  • Hello,

    I had the same problem: the sheet number and the title as field from sheet set couldn't be published properly, I got always just the number and title of one layout in all drawings. The solution for publishing to PDF is to open each layout from sheetset and regenerate it. Publishing to ploter doesn't work, or it works sometimes, not allways, I don't know why. It's necessary to open each sheet and plot it separately.

  •  Hi Darko

    It seems that this is the only route available at the moment, as nothing else seems to work. Unfortunately, it's not one I would like to repeat every single time I need to print copies of my drawings. I have altogether close to 100 sheets per complete drawing set, and it would take me an astronomical amount of time if I had to do them all separately. Surely there has to be a hot-fix or something?
  • A couple of things you could try:

    In PUBLISH try turning off the Publish in Background option.

    When PUBLISH has the background option turned off, BricsCAD will load on_doc_load.lsp with each drawing. You could create an on_doc_load.lsp in the same folder as drawings you are publishing, and put in it some code to force fields to update. Example below
    ;Select everything to update
    (command "._UPDATEFIELD" (ssget "x") "")

    ;Alternatively could just select a specific block name to update
    (command "._UPDATEFIELD" (ssget "x" '((2 . "MY_Titleblock"))) "")

    ;Force a regen
    (command "._REGEN")[/code]

    Regards, Jason Bourhill CAD Concepts 

  • Hello Jason,

    thank you very much for the advice, I tried it and it works!


    Darko Čizmin

  • Hi Darko,

    Glad to here that you got it working. If you haven't already done so, I suggest that you raise a support request. This should just work without having to go to extra steps.

    Regards, Jason Bourhill CAD Concepts 
  •  HI Jason

    Thank you so much for the suggestions. I un-ticked the Publish in Background option, and it's finally generating correctly! Thank you once again, appreciate it
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