Selecting a face of 3D Solid and getting it Material
For my application I need to select the face (sub entity) of a 3D Solid and extract material information from it. I have below code,which works fine in Teigha Viewer, i.e. I am able to select a Face and extract material information. But this code does not select sub entity (face) in BricsCAD.
[code]void DsFormBrepUtils::GetPoints(OdEdCommandContext* pCmdCtx)
OdDbCommandContextPtr pDbCmdCtx(pCmdCtx);
OdDbDatabasePtr pDb = pDbCmdCtx->database();
OdDbSelectionSetIteratorPtr pIter = pDbCmdCtx->dbUserIO()->select(L"Select a face", OdEd::kSelAllowSubents)->newIterator();
while ( !pIter->done() )
OdDbObjectId objId = pIter->objectId();
if (objId.isNull())
OdDbObjectIdArray loopIds;
if (OdUInt32 subents = pIter->subentCount())
OdDbEntityPtr pMainEnt = objId.safeOpenObject(OdDb::kForWrite);
OdDb3dSolidPtr pBody = OdDb3dSolid::cast(pMainEnt);
if (pBody == nullptr)
for (OdUInt32 i = 0; i < subents; ++i)
OdDbFullSubentPath subEntPath;
if (pIter->getSubentity(i, subEntPath))
OdDbEntityPtr subent = pMainEnt->subentPtr(subEntPath);
if (subent.isNull())
OdDbObjectId matIdGet;
OdResult res = pBody->getSubentMaterial(subEntPath.subentId(), matIdGet);
if (res == eOk)
OdDbMaterialPtr pMaterial = OdDbMaterial::cast(matIdGet.openObject());
if (!pMaterial.isNull())
OdString materialName = pMaterial->name();
if (pCmdCtx != nullptr)
OdDbCommandContextPtr pDbCmdCtx(pCmdCtx);
Hi Vinit,
you obviously programm in C++ ....
Have a look at these two examples written in C# .NET could then write similar code in C++ .
1. Select the Face of a Solid 3D
2. Getting the Face Material...after getting the subentity ID of the Face...
******** Code Snippet *********************
using (Brep brep = new Brep(path)){
foreach ( Autodesk.AutoCAD.BoundaryRepresentation.Face face in brep.Faces )
ObjectId materialId = solid3d.GetSubentityMaterial( face.SubentityPath.SubentId);
Material material = tr.GetObject(materialId, OpenMode.ForRead) as Material;
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Thanks for the reply.I was able to implement the suggested code. I was able to get the AcDbFullSubentPath of the selected face. But following code is not linking because of highlighted line[code]... // Code to select the face and get AcDbFullSubentPathAcBrFace *pEnt = new AcBrFace();AcBr::ErrorStatus returnValue = AcBr::eOk;returnValue = pEnt->setSubentPath(subPath);if (returnValue != AcBr::eOk) {acutPrintf(ACRX_T("\n Error in AcBrEntity::set:"));return;}/code]Is AcBrEntity::setSubentPath() not implemented yet. Do you have some C++ samples of AcBr ?Also as per your suggestion I have to use AcDb3dSolid::getSubentMaterial(), which is not implemented in BricsCAD SDK 15.I am still using BRXSDK_V15_1_04. Are these implemented in BricsCAD SDK 16.10
AcBrEntity::setSubentPath() is implemented, minimum required versions are BRX SDK r9326 and BricsCAD V15.3.040
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