Edit Sheet metal flat patterns?

Is Bricsys working on the ability to edit the sheet metal flat patterns that are created without exploding the block?  Why are they created as "anonymous" blocks?  I still want to tweak/erase/re-position some annotations and possibly add extras.  What is the intended work flow here?


  • I too would love to be able to edit sheet metal flat patterns, I am trying to recreate an existing piece and editing the flat pattern would make creating the reliefs on the hems and welded tabs easy - the part is made of two pieces formed and welded together - the reliefs on the welded tabs were made by cutting isosceles triangle out of the flat pattern before the tabs were formed, see the photos attached.  I was able to create something similar by rotating faces of flanges but it was rather difficult and I could only do the tapered flanges on two sides to create the Any ideas or tricks?
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