Selecting sub-entities in rigid sets

We need to rework imported models (thanks communicator!) and we found that to avoid unexpected results when using push/pull or change parameters it is very important to define correct rigid-sets.
The problem is (maybe my limited skills) I'm not able to select sub-entities using a fence or crossing selection during the rigid set definition. It just works on single selection. Is there a way to do it?
See the attached document/model for a sample.



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  •  Hello Daniele,

    Please try to use Ctrl button during window selection. You'll see the widget which allows you to switch between solid/edge/face selection

  • Hi Ilya, I see the widget during extrusion command, but it doesn't show up during the rigidset selection.

  •  Daniele

    You should select edges first, and then create a RigidSet .
  •  Here is an example of how it works
  • Wow! Thanks Ilya, it works like a charm. Sorry, I'm a verb-noun guy.
    In my office no one noticed this feature. People tend to use verb-noun because usually on large selections is much faster than noun-verb.
    I think BricsCAD should pop-up a small tooltip/widget to show this feature.


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