Dynamic area field

 When creating cadastral lots for a subdivision I'd like to be able to watch the area as I move a polyline node. 
I know I can refresh fields but that's not my preference. It involves additional steps. 
Is there a way of doing this please?


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  • There is an Area entry in the Properties Bar.
  • Thanks Roy
    I was wanting a display of the area as I dragged the polyline vertex about.
    The Properties bar updates when the vertex is released.
    The Properties, whilst good is not dynamic - constantly changing.
    Like the coordinates on the Status Bar.
    I can't see a way to have the Status bar offer this which would be good.

    Might sound picky, but for planning it's so quick to have things update as you drag the mouse about and see differing scenarious.
  •  I suspect that something like this would require special programming, using what is known as a "reactor".  I have no knowledge of how to program them though.  You might inquire at Lee Mac's site, since he seems to be the expert on this sort of programming.  Then, perhaps hire him for a custom program.

  •  Oops, I just realized I omitted the link to Lee Mac's web page.  www.lee-mac.com/

  • A reactor based Lisp solution will not work here.
    You can create an object reactor and monitor a number of events, including :vlr-openedformodify and :vlr-modified. But if you grip edit or stretch polyline vertices both events occur *after* entering the new point.

    In theory a grread based solution may work. With grread you can dynamically read points. But while reading these points object snap does not work. And of course there are numerous ways to change polylines (scale, stretch one or more points, grip edit). Accounting for all of this will require considerable programming overhead to the point where I think that it would not make sense to invest time in this.
  • Thanks for replies.
    I had no idea of process and it seemed a 'logical extension' to have that displayed along with the coordinates as I moved a node.

  • If you select multiple polylines the property bar will show the sum of their areas, and length.

    Regards, Jason Bourhill CAD Concepts 
  • This appears to be do-able, reporting area(s) while dragging a vertex.  The question is how to handle the numeric feedback when there are multiples?  After all, you could be doing a real time sliding side area or dragging a common corner of 4 or more polylines.
  •  I wouldn't need it to monitor more than one polyline. 
    This idea became 'obvious' when working on a subdivision where area was important. 
    They were 1 hectare lots and I was designing over the top of an aerial photograph. 
    It was easy to do watching the output as it currently stands but it made sense to have it dynamic and in that way quicker. A lot quicker when many such lots are involved in a rather random layout following features and preceding lots. 
    But then I have no idea of programming complexities. I just enjoy the toils of others that make these applications available. 
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