New to Bricscad from Acad 2012 working issues , need help
Ok well I have worked in Acad for 20+ yrs and I am testing and trying Bricscad V16 I have several things that I cannot figure out
1. I cannot move 3d models in all accesses , I have to reset the UCS to View inorder to move a part ( building 3d assembly with multiple 3d parts ) I checked the constraints and they seem to be off ( the way they show is confusing to me )
2. is there a way to turn on the x,y,z coordinates during a move ? so I know where and how far I am moving something
3. when editing a 3d object I have to mod its size soem times I would like to see the coordinates while doing this
Thanks in advance , I have looked up all these things in the manual But did not find the answers
Be nice to a newbie !
To check if there are 3D constraints you can open the Mechanical Browser.
Other things that may be confusing you: DUCS (dynamic UCS) and OSNAPZ (ignore Z).
There is a coordinates field in the status bar. Right click this field to change the settings.
See 2. And also look at Dynamic Dimensions (DYN in the status bar). But I am not sure how you change the size of 3D objects.0 -
To check if there are 3D constraints you can open the Mechanical Browser.
Other things that may be confusing you: DUCS (dynamic UCS) and OSNAPZ (ignore Z).
There is a coordinates field in the status bar. Right click this field to change the settings.
See 2. And also look at Dynamic Dimensions (DYN in the status bar). But I am not sure how you change the size of 3D objects.thanks Roy I think I have it figured out now BUT this program is crashing a LOT 4 times today . I lost quite a bit of work .4. setting s for AUTO SAVE ?? I cannot find them either ??0 -
OK found autosave its called savetime0
OK found autosave its called savetimesorry one moreCLIPPING function like in Acad 12 , to slice / look thru a 3d model0
this is what I am getting on Win 8.1 V16 x64 Bricscad about 5 times today . anybody else find a solution ? I sent a support ticket in also
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Assuming you haven't already done so, I suggest you take a look at Ralph's BricsCAD for AutoCAD users. This gives a command comparison between BricsCAD and AutoCAD, it also has some quite good reference material.
Your error message is to general pin point the cause. I would try to make note of what you were doing prior to the crash to narrow in on the trigger. If you can provide a series of steps to produce the error that are repeatable, then you will have a much better chance of getting a resolution through a support request. That of course is easy said than done! You could also look for a file called 'crash_report.txt', which will typically be created in the same folder as the drawing, or where you have started BricsCAD from. Including this file in your support request will provide more information on the potential cause.
Regards, Jason Bourhill CAD Concepts0 -
Thanks Jason, I will for sure take a look at the tutorial .there must be an error log they record right ? well anyhow it seems to happen when I do an edit then change visual views from Line to realistic etc. I pop between these mode quite often .One thing that does NOT happen is a recovery of the file on restart , I open the BAK file but it is the same as the regular DWG file , I did set SAVETIME to 10 min now .0
I was looking for 3Dclipplane in Acad it appears BC does not have this function , is there something like it ?3dadjustcliplanes.0
It would help if you provided a link to commands in the ACAD 2012 help. Some of us have been on BricsCAD for a quite a while :-). I assume you are talking about 3DCLIP? This looks like a graphical interface to DVIEW, which is in BricsCAD. However this command is rather cumbersome to use.
CAMERA is creates a VIEW with similar properties to DVIEW. If CAMERADISPLAY is on you can select and edit the camera properties on-screen and via the property bar.
I would take a look at Live Sections, which is much easier to use. This provides you with an on screen method to clip 3D Solids. Live sections provide the option to generate a 2D/3D block of the clipped object.
If you aren't using 3D Solids you could instead try XCLIP. For this to work you would need to either xref in the objects you want to clip, or make a block of them.
Regards, Jason Bourhill CAD Concepts0 -
When nothing is selected, the View section of the Properties bar displays 3 settings to control the 3dclip planes:
Clipping: Off / Front On / Back On / Front and Back On
Back Plane: value of the Z-depth of the back clip plane
Front Plane: value of the Z-depth of the front clip plane
3D clipping unfortunately is limited to a set of clip planes perpendicular to the view direction at a certain depth, that is: when the view is rotated, the displayed part of the model is changed.
Using the live status of a section plane definition also has its limitations: while it gives a very good representation of what the sectioned model looks like, it is meant to be used to visually verify a model and to produce drawings or to create a cutaway version of a model, it is not suitable to be used for modeling because in this 'live' section status the solids of the model are *actually* sectioned (be it temporarily, till the 'live' status is switched off).
Another limitation of live sections is that *only one* of the section planes can have the live status, it is not possible to activate multiple section planes simultaneously.
To overcome the limitations of 3DCLIP and LIVE sections, we are currently implementing a more powerful solution where it will become possible to set section planes to a new 'CLIP DISPLAY' status, that is, not modify any 3D solids, but use a similar display clipping technique as used for the 3DCLIP command, not being restricted to the view direction and allowing to simultaneously activate multiple section planes for clipping the display of the model to exactly that part of the model you currently work on, not influenced by the view direction. This is scheduled to become available in the coming months.0 -
In the future I will provide a reference to the ACAD help file , Good to hear this operation is in process , I use this fuction quite a bit to look for interference between parts in an assembly , I need to try the assembly mode in BC and see how that works for me .0
this is what I am getting on Win 8.1 V16 x64 Bricscad about 5 times today . anybody else find a solution ? I sent a support ticket in alsoOK I noticed that using the ESC key causes the crashes usually during display redraws0
OK I noticed that using the ESC key causes the crashes usually during display redrawsIs there a way to reduce the render resolution or display resolution in BC ? I am using a allinone computer and that may be causing the issue , In ACAD you can set the amount of triangles ? ( not sure if that is what it is called ) to speed up the display.0
The number of facets used to display 3D solids is controlled by the FACETRES system variable. Default value is 0.5, smaller values result in less facets and hence a coarser display of curved faces. Finest resolution is achieved when setting it to 10.
Can you please file a support request with a description of the scenario that is likely to allow to reproduce the crashes you experience?
Our analysts will be glad to investigate it and pass it on to our developers.0 -
The number of facets used to display 3D solids is controlled by the FACETRES system variable. Default value is 0.5, smaller values result in less facets and hence a coarser display of curved faces. Finest resolution is achieved when setting it to 10.
Can you please file a support request with a description of the scenario that is likely to allow to reproduce the crashes you experience?
Our analysts will be glad to investigate it and pass it on to our developers.I filed a support request yesterday regarding this issue, I just changed some settings on my display to see if that helps at allone quick question , I used to have flyouts on the render toolbar to change visual modes , FLAT + EDGES and Garoud + edges had flyouts and now they are gone so I have to type in the visual mode , how do I restore these flyouts ?0 -
Strange, the BricsCAD Rendering toolbar doesn't use flyouts for visual styles, they are accessible directly on the toolbar, not through a flyout?
As an alternative for typing, you could set the visual style from the Properties Bar.0 -
Strange, the BricsCAD Rendering toolbar doesn't use flyouts for visual styles, they are accessible directly on the toolbar, not through a flyout?
As an alternative for typing, you could set the visual style from the Properties Bar.Maybe I am remembering wrong ? not unusual , I tried the properties bar and that works ok . it is only the garoud and flat with edges that make me type the visual style , properties is an ok workaround0 -
I found out why my visual styles were taking so long and crashing the program , it is when Default lighting is ON ! turning it off speeds up rendering 500%0
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