Export selection/ fixed view to DWG file

Good evening,
I'm developing a parametric drawing for elevators scheme using ODCL.
I need to export a fixed part or the drawing to a DWG file in order to  view it inside an ODCL dialog.
How can I do it?
Thanks a lot for any reply 


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  • [..] I need to export a fixed part *of the drawing [..]
  • Instead of doing something as complicated as exporting part of a drawing, although this can be done, I would first look at the BlockView control and the BlockView-PreLoadDwg method. This method will allow you to display blocks from another drawing. This means that all you would have to do is create a block from the 'fixed part' which you may need anyway.
    [code](setvar 'cmdecho 0)
    (command "_.Opendcl")
    (setvar 'cmdecho 1)

    (defun c:Test ( / c:BlkViewTest/Form1#OnInitialize)

      (defun c:BlkViewTest/Form1#OnInitialize (/)
        (dcl-BlockView-PreLoadDwg   BlkViewTest/Form1/BlockView1 "BlkViewTest.dwg")
        (dcl-Control-SetBlockName   BlkViewTest/Form1/BlockView1 "circ")
        (dcl-BlockView-Zoom         BlkViewTest/Form1/BlockView1 0.9)

      (dcl-Project-Load "BlkViewTest" T)
      (dcl-Form-Show BlkViewTest/Form1)
  •  Thank you Roy.
    Your solution worked with a statical drawing.
    The problem now is that I have to show some drawings that are dinamically created via lisp code.
    There is a way to generate drawing and assing each component to a block?  

  • Your use of the word 'fixed' is then confusing...
    I also do not know what you mean by 'component'.

    Here is some code to demonstrate creating a dwg with a block definition 'on the fly':
    [code](setvar 'cmdecho 0)
    (command "_.Opendcl")
    (setvar 'cmdecho 1)

    (defun c:Test ( / c:BlkViewTest/Form1#OnInitialize docNme)

      (defun c:BlkViewTest/Form1#OnInitialize (/)
        (dcl-BlockView-PreLoadDwg   BlkViewTest/Form1/BlockView1 docNme)
        (dcl-Control-SetBlockName   BlkViewTest/Form1/BlockView1 "circ")
        (dcl-BlockView-Zoom         BlkViewTest/Form1/BlockView1 0.9)

      (setq docNme (CreateDwgWithBlock))
      (dcl-Project-Load "BlkViewTest" T)
      (dcl-Form-Show BlkViewTest/Form1)
      (vl-file-delete docNme)

    (defun CreateDwgWithBlock ( / blkDefObj docNme docObj)
      (setq docNme (vl-filename-mktemp ".dwg"))
      (setq docObj
        (vla-getinterfaceobject (vlax-get-acad-object) "objectdbx.axdbdocument")
      (setq blkDefObj (vla-add (vla-get-blocks docObj) '(0.0 0.0 0.0) "circ"))
      (vla-addcircle blkDefObj '(0.0 0.0 0.0) 10.0)
      (vla-addcircle blkDefObj '(0.0 0.0 0.0) 30.0)
      (vla-saveas docObj docNme acnative)
      (vlax-release-object docObj)

  •  with "fixed part of the drawing" I mean the part of a drawing statically identified by a rectangle.
    with "component" I mean each line,rectangle and text that compose the drawing.
    The problem in my case is that the "interesting part" of the drawing is defined in a very complicate third part lisp routine.
    Select the components via rectangle and export that selection in a temporary DWG I'm afraid that is the only way to solve my problem.
    After the generation of the drawing i will load it in a blockview control via preloaddwg function.
    I attach an example DWG.
    Suppose the part to export is the rectangle with the star in the drawing.
    Thank you 


  •  The EXPORTLAYOUT command (new in V16) exports the content of a layout viewport to a new drawing. Please notice the exported geometry is scaled by the Viewport's 'Custom Scale'. The drawing is clipped by the viewport borders.
  • @ Marco:
    Here is some Lisp code demonstrating the creation of a temporary dwg with a block definition containing entities copied from a source dwg.
    In the code the srcObjLst is not yet 'filtered' based on a rectangular window. You will have to do that yourself. You can use vla-getboundingbox or vle-getboundingbox to determine the boundingbox of entities and then check if they fall inside the desired rectangle.
    [code](defun _Sys_ApplyAlt (expr varLst)
      (not (vl-catch-all-error-p (vl-catch-all-apply expr varLst)))

    (setvar 'cmdecho 0)
    (command "_.Opendcl")
    (setvar 'cmdecho 1)

    (defun c:Test ( / c:BlkViewTest/Form1#OnInitialize docNme)
      (defun c:BlkViewTest/Form1#OnInitialize (/)
        (dcl-BlockView-PreLoadDwg   BlkViewTest/Form1/BlockView1 docNme)
        (dcl-Control-SetBlockName   BlkViewTest/Form1/BlockView1 "TMP")
        (dcl-BlockView-Zoom         BlkViewTest/Form1/BlockView1 0.9)
      (if (setq docNme (CreateDwgWithBlockFromSource (findfile "example.dwg")))
          (dcl-Project-Load "BlkViewTest" T)
          (dcl-Form-Show BlkViewTest/Form1)
          (vl-file-delete docNme)
        (princ "\nError: cannot open dwg ")

    (defun CreateDwgWithBlockFromSource (srcDocNme / srcDocObj srcObjLst trgDocNme trgDocObj)
      (setq srcDocObj
        (vla-getinterfaceobject (vlax-get-acad-object) "objectdbx.axdbdocument")
      (setq trgDocObj
        (vla-getinterfaceobject (vlax-get-acad-object) "objectdbx.axdbdocument")
          (_Sys_ApplyAlt 'vla-open (list srcDocObj srcDocNme))
          (setq srcObjLst (cdr (vle-collection->list (vla-get-modelspace srcDocObj))))
            (vla-add (vla-get-blocks trgDocObj) '(0.0 0.0 0.0) "TMP")
          (setq trgDocNme (vl-filename-mktemp ".dwg"))
          (vla-saveas trgDocObj trgDocNme acnative)
      (vlax-release-object srcDocObj)
      (vlax-release-object trgDocObj)
This discussion has been closed.


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