Unable to find Interop.Common.AcadEntity in BricsCAD assemblies

Recently, our management take the decision to move from AutoCAD to BricsCAD as a main application for creation of workshop drawings. Since we have relatively large .NET code base for AutoCAD extensions, we would like to move this extensions to BricsCAD. Initially, just to proof the concept, I compiled a single dll file, that could be "netloaded" into Acad or Bcad and it works great!
Later, when I started to migrate our code, I found that there are tiny differences between 2 APIs. Par example:
[code]Application.DocumentManager.Open()[/code] is not available as a method of BricsCAD DocumentCollectionClass calss. 
As a workaround I used a code, taken from this forum:
var app = Application.AcadApplication as AcadApplication;
var doc = app.Documents.Open(path, false, null);
if (doc != null)
app.ActiveDocument = doc;

Currently I can't move on, because I couldn't find anything about:
[code]Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Common.AcadRegion acadRegion = (Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Common.AcadRegion)region.AcadObject;[/code]
PrincipalDirections = (double[])acadRegion.PrincipalDirections;
PrincipalMoments = (double[])acadRegion.PrincipalMoments;
MomentOfInertia = (double[])acadRegion.MomentOfInertia;
ProductOfInertia = acadRegion.ProductOfInertia;
RadiiOfGyration = (double[])acadRegion.RadiiOfGyration;

Those classes just don't exist in BricsCAD assemblies :(

Could you, please, help me!

Best regards! 


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