Problem with registration on Mint 17.3

I am running the 31 day trial with the intention of purchasing the basic version at the end of the trial period. However I have encountered a major problem with the registration on my machine (Dell Vostro 5470 / i5)

I have two accounts with separate logins on my laptop - one for private use and the other or work. I initially tried BricsCAD on my private account and it seems to work well, so today I went to use it on my work account and it will neither access the existing trial licence nor create a new one and comes up with "unable to create licence folder (error code 1).

How can I overcome this and will the same problem occur with the paid versions?


  • Problem solved from knowledge base :)
    pre.cjk { font-family: "Courier New",monospace; }p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }
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