Alle gegevens blijven in inches uitgedrukt.

Alle gegevens zowel bij properties als bij het plaatsen van afmetingen blijven in inches staan. Ik vind nergens waar dit aangepast kan worden. 
Heb al bij settings de drawing units aangepast naar millimeters, maar dit lost het probleem niet op. Weet iemand raad?


  • I think you have only changed one of these variables:
  • (Ik ga in het Engels antwoorden, dan kunnen veel meer users volgen en zo nodig iets toevoegen.)

    loosely translated:
    >I want to switch from inches to millimeters but all properties remain in inches, despite having changed drawing units to millimeters.

    In case you just want a new document in millimeters:
    In the file menu use "New...", "Start From Template", pick "Default-mm.dwt" from the list and mark "Use the selected template as default".
    Your new document will be in millimeters and the selected template will be stored in the BASEFILE settings variable.
    You might also want to change MEASUREINIT.

    In case you want to switch an existing drawing between imperial and metric you need to change multiple settings variables:
    INSUNIT, MEASUREMENT, LUNITS, likely others as well

    LUNITS is the one that will influence the properties display (as you attached).
    The value is less obvious: In imperial templates the value is set to Architectural.  Change it to Decimal.
This discussion has been closed.