blocks with multiple insertion points

new to blocks for most part. can someone confirm my thoughts, blocks with multiple insertion points are called "Dynamic Blocks"? and are not available currently in BricsCAD (to use or just cannot create them)?


  • My understanding is that you can work with dynamic blocks in BricsCAD (imported from other cad program) but you cannot create them, though I haven't tested this myself in the latest version.  I'm not an expert in Dynamic blocks but I don't believe they have multiple insertion points.  However, they are typically built with adjustability in mind and that could potentially affect how the block entities relate to the original insertion point, depending how it's built.  For instance, a dynamic door block may be used in an architectural plan to allow the user to click on the block and adjust the door size to a variety of predetermined sizes while keeping the block intact.  
  • I have just been through an exercise in trying to rationalise layers etc in a file I received with dynamic blocks, but not sure if insertion points vary.
    One thing, if you snap to 'insert' it can pick the insertion point of something within the block (like text), instead of the block's own insertion point.
    Important to pick a part of the block which has no insertion point of its own, such as a line or circle.
  • new to blocks for most part. can someone confirm my thoughts, blocks with multiple insertion points are called "Dynamic Blocks"? and are not available currently in BricsCAD (to use or just cannot create them)?

    The answer looks to be somewhere in between.

    In AutoCAD using Dynamic Blocks you can create a block with multiple insertion points. In the example attached the default insert is at the centre of the square, with alternate insertion points at each of the corners. When inserting in AutoCAD you use CTRL or CTRL + Tab to cycle through the available insertion points.

    In BricsCAD you can't cycle through the available insertion points when inserting. However selecting the block after insertion you will see grips highlighting the alternate insertion points, and see the points coordinates on the property bar. Changing the values of these points will move the block.

    Jason Bourhill


  •  If the block does not have geometry where you want to snap, or perhaps too much near-by geometry, another idea is to place point entities placed where you might want to snap. Then use the NODE object snap to grab that point.

  • Thank you all for your responses, in our case the block is exploded when inserted so some of those suggestions are not an option. The fact that you cannot utilize the multiple points set in AutoCAD puts a halt to my idea, guess I'll wait until BricsCAD incorporates dynamic block creation into the program.

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