Menuload in On_Start.lsp
How can I load/unload menus in on_start.lsp?
I have never tried to do this with on_start.lsp, But this should work:
[code](if (menugroup mnuName)
(command "_.menuunload" mnuName)
(command "_.menuload" mnuFile)[/code]
[code](if (menugroup mnuName)
(command "_.menuunload" mnuName)
)[/code]0 -
Here are the functions I use, which avoid a command call
; Load menu will check to see if the given Menu group is loaded.
; If it isn't, then it will be loaded
(defun CCL-LOADMENU ( groupnm menufile / oACAD oMenuGrps)
(setq oAcad (vlax-get-Acad-Object)) ; retrieve Acad-Object
(setq oMenuGrps (vla-get-menugroups oAcad)) ; retrieve menugroups
(if (not (menugroup groupnm)) ; if the menugroup isn't loaded
(if (setq menufile (findfile menufile)) (vla-load oMenuGrps menufile)) ; THEN load menu if it exists
(vla-item oMenuGrps groupnm) ; ELSE return menu object
; Unload menu will check to see if the given Menu group is loaded.
; If it is, then it will be unloaded
(defun CCL-UNLOADMENU ( groupnm / oACAD oMenuGrps)
(if (menugroup groupnm) ; if the menu group is loaded
(progn ; THEN
(setq oAcad (vlax-get-Acad-Object)) ; retrieve Acad-Object
(setq oMenuGrps (vla-get-menugroups oAcad)) ; retrieve menugroups
(vla-unload (vla-item oMenuGrps groupnm)) ; unload the menu
I have a Sample BricsCAD setup on my website where you can see these functions being called in On_Start.lsp
Regards,Jason Bourhill
0 -
Thanks, that looks great. My on-start.lsp looks like this ... it is continually getting improved...
;;; Set application search paths for Hunsaker & Associates San Diego
;; Support Paths
(setq sRootPath "C:\\CADD_Support\\Shared")
(setenv "BricsCAD"
"N:\\BricsCAD Support;"
sRootPath ";"
sRootPath "\\Blocks;"
sRootPath "\\Fonts;"
sRootPath "\\Icons;"
sRootPath "\\Tools;"
"C:\\Program Files\\Bricsys\\BricsCAD V15 en_US\\Support;"
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\DotSoft\\MapWorks;"
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\DotSoft\\ToolPac;"
;; Open and Save Settings
(setvar "ACADLSPASDOC" 0)
(setvar "PROXYNOTICE" 1)
(setvar "PROXYSHOW" 1)
(setvar "SAVEFILEPATH" "C:\\CADD_Support\\Temp")
(setvar "SAVETIME" 20) ;
(setvar "ISAVEBAK" 1) ;create a backup copy
(setvar "ISAVEPERCENT" 25)
(setvar "SAVEFORMAT" 1)
(setvar "SAVETIME" 30)
(setvar "VBAMACROS" 0) ;64 bit does not support vba
;; Template Settings
(setvar "BASEFILE" "C:\\CADD_Support\\Shared\\Templates\\HASD-Empty.dwt")
(setenv "DefaultNewSheetSetTemplate" "C:\\CADD_Support\\Shared\\Templates\\SheetSets\\!HASD Standard Sheet Set.dwt")
(setenv "QnewTemplate" "C:\\CADD_Support\\Shared\\Templates\\HASD-Empty.dwt")
(setvar "SheetSetTemplatePath" "C:\\CADD_Support\\Shared\\Templates\\SheetSets\\")
(setvar "TemplatePath" "C:\\CADD_Support\\Shared\\Templates\\")
;; Printer Settings - These are unique to BricsCAD
(setvar "DEFLPLSTYLE" "Solid")
(setvar "PlotCfgPath" "C:\\CADD_Support\\Shared\\Plot Setup\\PMP Files\\")
(setvar "PlotOutputPath" "C:\\CADD_Support\\Temp\\")
(setvar "PlotStylePath" "C:\\CADD_Support\\Shared\\Plot Setup\\")
(setvar "PSTYLEPOLICY" 0) ;plot styles are not associated with color
;; XREF Settings
(setvar "XLOADPATH" "C:\\CADD_Support\\Temp")
;; Misc Settings
(setvar "BKGCOLOR" 256)
(setvar "DCTCUST" "C:\\CADD_Support\\Shared\\HASD.dic")
(setvar "EXPINSALIGN" "1") ;BricsCAD only
(setvar "EXPINSFIXSCALE" "1") ;BricsCAD only
(setvar "EXPINSSCALE" "1") ;BricsCAD only
(setvar "FONTALT" "romans.shx")
(setvar "LOGFILEPATH" "C:\\CADD_Support\\Temp\\")
(setvar "PICKADD" 1)
(setvar "PICKFIRST" 1)
(setvar "PLINEGEN" 1)
(setvar "QUADDISPLAY" 0) ;BricsCAD only
(setvar "SHOWDOCTABS" 1) ;BricsCAD only
;; Let me know
(princ "\nSupport Paths Defined\n")0
This discussion has been closed.