Hello - a transitioning from AutoCAD question
How do I set the snap points to include all of the possible locations like, intersection, midpoint, center, end point, apparent intersection etc. ?

Thanks very much.

Bob Price


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  • Outside of a command you can set default OSNAPS (ESNAPS) from the Entity Snaps Toolbar. You can also right click on ESNAP in the status bar (bottom right).

    You may find Ralph Grabowski's ebook 'BricsCAD for AutoCAD Users' useful in making the transition. You'll find it under BricsCAD Documentation.

    Jason Bourhill

  • Thanks a bunch Jason -

    Have downloaded Grabowsi's book and am reading it as I go along.  I am seriously considering abandoning a 30 year relationship with AutoCAD and switching to the Premiums version of BrisCAD.  
  • Another Newby question -

    I have started to create a basic blank drawing that has some changes to the default Drawing 1.  For instance, the UCS  is changed to so that the Y axis is up, the X axis is at 3 O'clock and the Z is pointed "out".  That is how I have worked with AutoCAD and would like to keep that convention.  But, when I did that the colors of the UCS went away are are just black on the white background: is there a way to put back the colors?  

    I then saved the file as AGMBASIC and put it into a new directory.  Is  there a way to have that file always come up when I turn bring up BrisCAD?

    Another hold over from AutoCAD - at the top of the display is the file name: is there a way to add the path to the file so that piece of information is always available?

    Thanks very much.
  • Another Newby question -

    I have started to create a basic blank drawing that has some changes to the default Drawing 1.  For instance, the UCS  is changed to so that the Y axis is up, the X axis is at 3 O'clock and the Z is pointed "out".  That is how I have worked with AutoCAD and would like to keep that convention.  But, when I did that the colors of the UCS went away are are just black on the white background: is there a way to put back the colors?

    Sounds like you may of changed your Visual Style? You can set this from the Property Bar or from the Drawing Explorer. The default UCS (WCS) is the same in BricsCAD and AutoCAD. If you've used 'Getting Started' and have selected either the 'Mechanical' or 'Sheet Metal' option, then you'll find the view point is around the wrong way for traditional BricsCAD/AutoCAD users. You don't need to change your UCS to fix, just change your viewpoint.

    I then saved the file as AGMBASIC and put it into a new directory.  Is  there a way to have that file always come up when I turn bring up BrisCAD?

    Under SETTINGS search for 'Basefile' and change it to your preferred template. You might also like to set 'TemplatePath' to point to your new folder.

    Another hold over from AutoCAD - at the top of the display is the file name: is there a way to add the path to the file so that piece of information is always available?

    Under SETTINGS search for 'ShowFullPathInTitle' and check the tickbox to turn path details on.

    Jason Bourhill

  • Thanks very much Jason - great help.



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