New viewport on second monitor.

 I would like to ask, why we cannot have second viewport on second monitor.
CAD people often have more monitors, I have 3.
It is very handy to look there, copy from there, zoom there ....

Split viewpot on 1. monitor is not solution.
Open second instance Bricscad on second monitor is not solution too.

Each other program I use have this possibility, only BC not.
Please do it.



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  • @Miroslav Helebrandt:
    Open second instance Bricscad on second monitor is not solution too.

    This is possible, but a little more involved to do.
    • Open Windows Explorer.
    • Browse to a BricsCAD template (.DWT)
    • Double click on a template to launch BricsCAD
    If BricsCAD is already running another session will be started. You can open as many sessions as you like this way. I'm not really sure why it works in this way, and why it isn't more generally available.

    I think you make good points on being able to move and work with views on other screens.

    Jason Bourhill

  • As Miroslav says, it's easy enough to open a second session of BricsCAD, but that's not it. Operations in one session (on the second screen) have no effect on the other session (the first screen) until an impractical Save routine.
    It's also easy, in Windows, to spread a single window across two screens, but that's not it either. You can't dock things on one edge of both screens - things don't stay put but wander onto the wrong screen or even across the gap.
    What wd be good is for BricsCAD to open two separate screens within one session. Palettes could be docked, hopefully with Auto-Arrange abilities, and left open in large size,with optional Auto-Hide, as well as toolbars.
    Hopefully more BricsCAD tools will become pallete-like, and stay open, like in recent Acad. Particularly Settings. Would be good if Help also could be docked as part of the Auto-Arrange.
  • Icon Size is another issue. Currently BricsCAD only supports 16 & 32 size Toolbar & Menu Icons. On 4k monitors these will be tiny!! Ideally these should be resizeable using a vector based format like SVG, which is becoming more common place on the web for this sort of thing. That said, I don't think it would be trivial to make a change like this.

    I blame Macs with their retina displays for kicking this problem off :-)

    Jason Bourhill

  •  Thanks for answer Jason Bourhill,

    but when I wrote: "Open second instance Bricscad on second monitor is not solution"
    I thought It is WRONG solution

    I need to have opened 1 the same file on 2 monitors, 
    In second session of BricsCAD is this file opened as read-only, it is really wrong.

    Why it is so problem to put another window on second monitor?

    I have BC opened on middle monitor,
    on the left there are nice falls and on the right beautiful girl :)

    I would like on the left monitor BC palettes, 
    on the middle and on the right monitors 2 BC viewports. 

    I think multimonitor CAD program is essential in this age.
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