Lisp ?

Hi , I have a script that starts by asking for a Point.

(princ "Ange startpunkt")
(setq startp (getpoint))
(print startp)
 (setq x1 (car startp))
 (setq x2(- x1 130.0))
 (Setq x3 x2)
 (Setq y1 (cadr startp))
 (setq y2 (+ y1 157.0))
 (setq texp (list x2 y2 0.0))   bla bla bla .......

Works nicely, BUT ONE of my Machines starts to hick and gives NIL (-x1 130.0) after working for a while.  If i restart Bricscad is works for another hour. ANY TIPS ???? V13


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