Versions/Updates V16

 I noticed that 16.1.05-7 is available today.  I don't remember seeing anything higher than a -2 update before V16.  I thought these updates were related to installation issues and not actually changing or correcting anything else.  What is actually being done for these -X type releases? Nothing is changing in the release notes.


  • Hi
    Same question, I`d like to know :-)
    I hope for some answer
    We`ll see
    have a nice day

  •  Hello Guys,

    In fact those "-X" changes don't mean updates, but simply new installsets built to arrange some technical requirement for the software operation. So, do not involve any fixing, or any feature addition. That's why no change appears at the Release Notes.
    It's usualy more usedl on translated versions, which needs different and sequential builds for completing the (huge) help files, as well as minor changes in spelling of some dialogs, to clarify its understanding, and so on...
    Remember that Windows 10 is also a recently new release, which has received frequent changes, and any significant change in the external environment demands Bricsys react to adapt our resources, even when no specific BricsCAD change has been performed so far.
    My advice is that anyone should download the most recent released version and install it.

    Best regards,
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