default.cui and default pgp - over-written

When installing a new version, say 16.2.03, we are asked whether to allow over-write of default.cui and default pgp. So I make copies of these before OK-ing them to be 'updated'.
What is the nature of the 'update'? It's not how I like my screens to look. So do I just substitute my saved files for the 'updated' ones? That would put my screens back to how they were - but would I lose some valuable new 'update' feature(s) by doing that?


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  • If your CUI and PGP files are completely customized, you probably shouldn't accept overwrite. You can just check the release notes to see if they've added any new commands that you want to add to your list.

    I do that with the PGP file, but I accept overwrite of the default CUI file. I have a lot of CUI customization, but it's all in a separate file that's not affected by the overwrite. I use the method suggested by Roy Klein Gebbinck:
    - My "Main" CUI file is a file called "Container.cui." It's essentially empty, containing only the code needed to be read as a CUI file.
    - The first "Partial" CUI file attached to that is "Default.cui" as provided by Bricsys.
    - The second "Partial" CUI file attached to it is my custom CUI file. Since it's attached later, its shortcuts and context menus supersede the ones in "Default.cui."

    When I update, I allow overwrite of the CUI file (but not the PGP file), and I don't have to do anything else. My workspace looks the same after the update, except for any changes Bricsys made to the pull-down menus in "Default.cui."
  • Actually, what I wrote above applies to older versions. When I installed v16 I had to make a new "Container.cui" which is not as empty. I think it contained code to get rid of the ribbon, and maybe some other things.

    One way to make a container CUI file is to make a copy of "Default.cui," editing it to look the way you want, and then using the CUI editor to delete everything from it.
  • Thanks, that's v good.

    "One way to make a container CUI file is to make a copy of "Default.cui," editing it to look the way you want, and then using the CUI editor to delete everything from it." Why do I need to edit it to look the way I want, before deleting all such specifics?

    How do I (or Brics) determine which of the 2 cui files is attached first, and which later?

    If I've put default.cui inside container.cui, how does the installer find it at new-version time?

  • Jason Bourhill has recently created two updated versions of the 'almost empty menu container'. You should use his files instead of looking for my much older version.
  • I keep all of my customized files in another location (C:/Working/Standards/...) this way when I install a new version of the software it can overwrite everything that it needs to and I never have to worry about it overwriting a customized file like my .pgp.  Another nice thing is that a backup is simple, I copy my Working directory to an external drive and I am done. The third benefit is that I don't have to dig down through embedded folders for what seems like an eternity of clicking to find what I need - everything is in one place, and two clicks away.   All that I did to do this was make sure that the first support file search path (SRCHPATH) listing was that of the folder in my working directory where I keep my profiles, pgp and so forth, after that I have the default search paths, then the customized ones for lisps and such.  If you have a computer shared by multiple users, just keep the working directory in your my documents folder.  Previously, when I was administering an office of 20 CAD users I used the same setup, except I used a standards folder on the server.
  • Why do I need to edit it to look the way I want, before deleting all such specifics?

    I can't remember. Maybe you don't need to, unless you want to customize something that can only be set in the "Main" CUI file. I had to do something about the workspace and/or the ribbon. I made two container files for v16, a plain one and a 3D one. In the old days you didn't need to set anything in the main CUI file if it was only going to be used as a container.

    How do I (or Brics) determine which of the 2 cui files is attached first, and which later?

    Actually, the Customize window doesn't use the word "attach." It uses the word "load." You "load a partial CUI file" in the Customize window. But it's similar to attaching xrefs or images to a DWG file.
    Any partial CUI files that you've loaded appear in the Customize window under the Main CUI file, and in the order in which you loaded them. The last one you loaded is at the bottom. To move one down in the order, you unload it and then load it again.

    If I've put default.cui inside container.cui, how does the installer find it at new-version time?

    Default.cui isn't inside the container CUI file. It's just referenced inside it. The relationship is very similar to that of DWG files and Xrefs. You can see and edit an externally referenced DWG file while editing the DWG file that references it, but it's a separate file, not part of the referencing file.

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