Conveting text in Z coordinate

 Does anybody know if bricscad or any other application compatible with bricscad can convert a text in a Z-coordinate? I have an old 2d drawing and I would like to convert it to 3D , but all the points only have X and Y coordinates, the Z coordinate in zero. The name of each point is the elevation. I was wondering if there is any application compatible with bricscad that can take the name of a point and transform it into a Z coordinate . Thanks!


  • Can you export the text file such that you have X, Y, and link Z to those coords? 
    If I've read this right then the file should read elevation as point name, X and y coords. 
    If I had such a file I'd place the name (Z) after X, Y and load the resulting X, Y, Z file and there would be a 3D series of points. 
    But how would you attach the elevations to the vertices? 
    I'd model the 3D points and drape the line work onto the model. However that would interfere with the lines adding extra vertices. 
    Sounds complicated but not really. 

    How much line work is there? 
    Could you simply create 3D polylines by snapping X, Y (end snap to lines)  and entering the Z value? That'd be tedious too. 
  • So, if I understand this right, you have a drawing containing points inserted at zero elevation, but the points contain the correct elevation value. You want to extract the correct elevation value and set the points at the correctly on the Z axis in the drawing.  Sounds like I could write a short Lisp program to handle it. Can you attach the .dwg file so I can see exactly what you have?

  • To extract the X, Y and content of the texts you can use the _DATAEXTRACTION command.
  • Hello,

    If you don't mind considering a third party app, you can look at our GeoTools for BricsCAD.

    There is a command called GT_ASN_PROP that does exactly the same. It "acquires" elevation values from nearby text objects and populates the same to the elevation field of the object.

    Check online help @

    Prior to running this command, you can create points at the locations of all text objects using the  GT_BLKSHP2P command.

    Let me know how it goes.

    Best Regards
    Rakesh Rao
    Smarter .dwg CAD
  •  Thanks all for your responses. Being so new at Bricscad (just got a license last week ) i'm not so good at working with it. I got the .txt file with the coordinates from the topometrist  and with an application called "Flashpoints3" I generated 3D points. The remaining problem are the 2D polylines that I want to make 3D polylines. I know that I can redraw all the polylines by clicking on every 3D point, but that would take too long. I was hoping to find an application or a lisp and just to quick select all the 2d polylines and elevate them  :D . From what I understand , bricscad uses a triangulation to interpolate points and create surfaces. For example,  ( In my case when designing roads) I need bricscad to create the surface and interpolate between two alignment points or between two side road points and NOT to create a triangle surface choosing an alignment point and a bottom of a ditch point.  So the surface generated just with the 3d points provides me a wrong road long section . Hoping there is someone who can help me with some info . Thanks again ! May you all have a great day!
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