The oddity of the 'group' - command
In the .dwg world, groups are simply named selection sets. This implies that objects may be part of several groups at the same time, and that groups cannot be nested - which is quite different from the hierarchical group concept that most other graphics applications adhere to.
Since .dwg compatibility must be upheld, there is nothing Bricsys could do about this.
But the concept is not as odd as it may seem at first glance - it complements the hierachical block structure with a sort of relational model, which can be quite powerful if used properly (but I have to admit I rarely use grouping).
If your main concern is the somewhat clumsy workflow when using the group command, you might be interested in this script: -
Not sure if that was a good idea to go with DWG.Max lossless Ex-/Import of DWG great.Possibility to directly work with DWG'S if necessary, great.Like Microstation does.But renouncing the possibilities and freedom of an own File System and tryto make a better Software as someone else by using their file system andtrying to circulate given restrictions ?I wouldn't do that by free will.0
Attach a LISP utility to quickly create and explode groups. Also includes a function to create an unnamed block
On loading will make the following commands available:
QUICKBLOCK, QBLK Converts the selected objects to an unnamed block without prompting
QUICKGROUP, QGRP Converts the selected objects to an unnamed group without prompting
QUICKUNGROUP, QUGRP Explodes the groups related to the selected object without prompting
Personally I prefer creating blocks over groups, its a much stronger container. With blocks you can utilise REFEDIT to make changes in place, and RENAME if you want to formalise it. With groups it can easily become confusing as to what is actually in the group.
Regards,Jason Bourhill
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@Knut Hohenberg said:
"If your main concern is the somewhat clumsy workflow when using the group command, you might be interested in this script:"Thank you for this script!
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Jason's QuickBlock command allows us to create a block as easily as Sketchup or VectorWorks creates a group, and the block thereby created functions much as the SU or VW group -- except that it's not really an unnamed block, so its cryptic name shows up in any listing of blocks. It might be possible to add something to the end of that lisp function that assigns a name to the new block, say zz004 (if there's already a zz001, zz002, and zz003, but no other blocks beginning in zz), so that at least these single-iteration grouping blocks would appear at the end of any list of block names.