Toolbar Issues

1. While calling LISP functions from image menu ^p is not working. ie., the lisp function is visible in command prompt

2. Lisp functions are visible in command prompt of alternate buttons in tool bars even ^p is used.

3. toolbar re sizing manually is not working. inside menu you can set it as 2 or 3 rows or using cui you can set the no of rows for toolbars. But manually you cannot resize it in BricsCAD

Any advice to over come the above three issues?


  • 1.
    I think you are using a macro with a "^c^c^P...^P" structure both for the main tool that displays the image menu, and the tools that are connected to the image buttons inside the menu. You should be aware that the image button macros are called from the main macro, so only the main macro should use this structure.
    I am not sure what you mean by 'alternate' button. But when you are playing around with macros you should know that "^P" must occur twice inside a macro ("^P" behaves like an on/off switch). If you have used a faulty macro (with only a single "^P") all correct macros that are subsequently used will display their Lisp code. In such cases you have to either restart the program or use the faulty macro again.
    You can also change the number of rows in the _CUSTOMIZE dialog, but resizing the toolbar indeed does not work.
  •  Thank You.

    ^p: Its a macro to insert blocks in a specific layer. No errors in the macro
    Regarding adjusting size of the toolbar, yes we can change .mnu or .cui file to adjust the number of rows. But using mouse we cannot adjust.

  • 3. toolbar re sizing manually is not working. inside menu you can set it as 2 or 3 rows or using cui you can set the no of rows for toolbars. But manually you cannot resize it in BricsCAD

    Any advice to over come the above three issues?

    Perhaps this is due to workspaces? To see a change in modification to toolbar size you may need to unload, then reload your partial cui. This would force a reset for of display for all workspaces.

    Jason Bourhill

  • Whoops, I misread the previous post. Indeed, can't re-size a toolbar using the mouse.

    Jason Bourhill
  • @ Pakutharivu NM:
    I still don't understand problem #2. Maybe you can give more details.
  • Hi Roy,

    In our product toolbar buttons we are using ^C^C^P to execute a lisp function. Sample macros from the first two buttons of a toolbar are

    ^C^C^P(brand_draw_pline "BGR-E" "E15")
    ^C^C^P(brand_draw_pline "BGR-E" "E30")

    When we execute the first button, its not showing the function. When we execute the second button, BricsCAD display the following function in command prompt
    (brand_draw_pline "BGR-E" "E30")

    My explanation is clear related to the #2? As per your note we introduced ^P^P twice as well and checked. There is no issues in other CAD products.

  • Perhaps I should have explained better when I said: use "^P" twice.
    Your macros should look like this:
    [code]^C^C^P(brand_draw_pline "BGR-E" "E15")^P
    ^C^C^P(brand_draw_pline "BGR-E" "E30")^P
    [/code]The first "^P" switches echoing off, the second (at the end) turns it back on again.
    Without this second "^P" echoing will stay off and the next macro with switch it on again.

  •  Thank you. Its working. :)

    X64 machine with x64 BricsCAD installed. In one particular testing machine, we are facing a problem.

    4. $I=* is not working.

    image.dcl was not found

    Unable to recognize command "I=*". Please try again.

    Check attached image for ref .

  • Check that the folder with image.dcl is included on your support file search path (SRCHPATH).  Default location is the Support folder where BricsCAD has been installed. e.g.
    "C:\Program Files\Bricsys\BricsCAD V16 en_US\Support\image.dcl"

    Jason Bourhill


    New value for SRCHPATH, or . for none/<"C:\ProgramData\CADdirekt\CADdirekt BRAND\;C:\ProgramData\CADdirekt\CADdirekt EL\;C:\ProgramData\CADdirekt\CADdirekt VVS\;C:\Users\Pakuth-PC\AppData\Roaming\Bricsys\BricsCAD\V16x64\en_US\Support\;E:\Program Files\Bricsys\BricsCAD V16 en_US\Support\;E:\Program Files\Bricsys\BricsCAD V16 en_US\Fonts\;E:\Program Files\Bricsys\BricsCAD V16 en_US\Help\en_US\;C:\ProgramData\CADdirekt\CADdirekt TELE">: 

    Image.dcl is available in the support folder as well. Other paths are our product  folder paths added during installation.

  • What does (findfile "image.dcl") return?

    It could be your program install location being on the E: drive, which isn't typical. You could test by creating the folder "C:\Program Files\Bricsys\BricsCAD V16 en_US\Support\" and copying image.dcl to it.

    Jason Bourhill

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