How to change pointer style

Hi y'all. I want to change the line weight of the printer and its color. any help would be appreciated. J


  •  I suspect you succumbed to the problem that has always plagued me... the spelling suggestions in Windows has always been a tiny font.  So, it is hard to see the list of words. You ended up with a message saying you wanted your PRINTER's line weight.  But, the subject heading explained your intent.

    You can change the crosshair's width, that is how far across the screen it spans.  And you can change the size of the small selection aperture.  Search the settings screen for "crosshair". Searching for "cursor" will also bring up a number of possible settings you may be interested in. 

  • Or else its like you say you want to change pen width. Check Plot styles ( .cbt files ) Map pen colors to widths.

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