Possible right click previous command bug.

 Hi, hopefully this might help a few people out.

Like a lot of people, everyone in our office prefers right click to just repeat previous command. On most of the computers in our office, I set the SHORTCUTMENU to 18 and disabled the Quad, all good. 
But one machine I was having trouble with, and right click was locked to one command (in this case TRIM), but only if you were hovering on an item (entity?). I noticed that rollover tips was still active on this computer and not on others. Disabling rollover tips resulted in right click now issuing the previous command, even with the cursor hovering on an item (entity?). Problem solved (unless you need rollover tips).
I was able to replicate this problem on my computer by enabling rollover tips, except my right click was locked to MOVE.
Sorry if this is hard to follow, I'm no IT or CAD expert.


  • I don't think it is a bug, it's more likely to be identifying the correct system variable. Visually the QUAD and Rollover Tips look the same, but they are controlled by different variables.

    To turn off the QUAD, set QUADDISPLAY = 0. You can also turn it off and retain the existing settings by changing the current value to be negative.
    To turn off Roll over tips, set ROLLOVERTIPS = 0.

    If you aren't using the QUAD at all, or want to disable shortcut menus when using the QUAD, then uncheck option 16 for SHORTCUTMENU. This removes the right click delay, so the Shortcut menu will display instantly if the QUAD is disabled i.e. try setting SHORTCUTMENU = 2

    Jason Bourhill

  •  Hello, I too am new with Brickscad in it is totaly frustrating for me to not be able to make right click when no comand is active to just repeat the last comand. This shortcut menu always pops up and I have to click twice to repeat the last comand. I read preveous answers in I managed to make right click while the command is active to present enter, but i cant find a way to remove this small shortcut menus when I just want to repeat the last command. Please help!
  • These are the rules regarding right click, context menus and Quad display.
    If 'Quad display on right click' is OFF, right click obeys the rules defined by the SHORTCUTMENU system variable. If the first bitcode is OFF, right click repeats the most recently used command.
    If 'Quad display on right click' is ON, there is a difference between a 'short' and a 'long' right click if the 'Enable shortcut menus when the right mouse button is hold down longer' option of SHORTCUTMENU system variable is selected (= bitcode 16). The normal (short) right click displays the Quad, while a 'long' right click triggers the Shortcut menu behaviour: If the first bitcode  of SHORTCUTMENU is OFF, the 'long' right click repeats the most recently used command.

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