When inserting Block and specifying scale on screen, can't control size very well

When I insert a block using "specify scale on screen" after picking an insertion point, the freehand scale size by moving the mouse is very difficult to control.

Is there a setting that can reduce the sensitivity of the mouse movement so it is easier to increase the size in smaller increments.

I don't know if the above makes sense, essentially the size of the block seems to increase far too much in relation to the amount of mouse movement.

Let me know if I need to explain this in a different way.

Thanks in advance



  • Assuming this is not an INSUNITS issue, the only way to change this is to scale down the content of the block.
    In the image (animated gif) the block measures 1x1 units.
    I hope the Forum software doesn't mangle the gif.
  •  It is actually not very common to freehand the scale of a block.  Most CAD work is relatively precise, and typically the goal is to have objects drawn at their real-world sizes, and so blocks are usually used at a scale of 1. But, I do realize that some work, such as placing vegetation, requires deliberate variation. 

    I can see a couple of possible approaches;

    A) Since the scale factor is based on your units.  So, if inches is your unit (a very common unit for English users), but are working on an architectural drawing, dragging the mouse 2" will double your block size.  Obviously not a workable solution.  You might create a macro that toggles the units between inches and feet.

    B) Another possible solution, is to just type the scale in the block insertion window.

    C) The technique I normally use, when I want to free-hand the scale is an option on the command line. After you clicked the insertion point of the block, type "REF".  This will cause BricsCAD to prompt you to click two points, which determine the starting scale. I typically click on each side of the block, so that my starting scale is the entire width of the block. Then, BricsCAD prompts you to do another click to set the final size.

  • @ Joe: Your approach 'C' uses the _SCALE command I think. I am not aware of such an option for the _(-)INSERT command.
  •  I replied several hours ago, but for some  reason it apparently was not successful.

    Yes, Roy, you are correct.  I was thinking the scale command.  The REF option is not available for the block insert command.

    I imagine it may be possible to write a lisp routine to insert a block, then detect the extent of the block.  Then, initiate the scale command, with the REF option set to the extent of the block. Then, prompt the user to do the final click to set the size. 

    But, as an earlier poster stated, if the blocks are all set to be 1 unit big, then they will be easy to size using the normal block insertion command.  That seems to be an easier solution.

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