When copy-pasting from one drawing to a blank one, I get extra stuff transfered -v14

 I am dealing with an architect that sends me drawings that are contaminated with un-purgable linetypes, etc.  So, as I use his work to update my files, I am being very careful to try to avoid cross-contamination. 

There was a block on his drawing that I want to use.  So, I copied the block to my clipboard, and then pasted it into a totally empty new drawing.  The block seems OK, but I was surprised to get a few extra things transfered.  Specifically, there was a dimension style and a new layer added. Note that the new layer was one that I had created in his drawing as a place for me to mark the things I had already updated.  So, I am very confident that this layer was not hidden inside his block.

It seems that when using the clipboard to copy-paste objects between drawings, that the current layer and dimension style are also transfered. Note that if you have multiple drawings open, and then tile the drawings, the status area, which shows the current layer, dimension style, text style, etc, shows the status of the most recently maximized drawing. It is NOT the status of the drawing that currently has the focus.  I wonder if that is how those items got transfered between the two drawings?



  • In essence Copy-Paste is a Wblock-Insert operation. This behavior is therefore normal.
  • It is not a true wblock-paste operation, otherwise I would get a zillion layers. Why just the current layer?  The block was not on that layer, nor did it have entities on that layer.

  • If you create a wblock the new file will contain all referenced layers *and* the current layer, even if it is not referenced. Other unrefferenced layers are not included. I think you actually know this. No doubt you have used the _WBLOCK command to purge drawings.

    The fact that the :vlr-wblocknotice Lisp reactor event also fires for the _COPYCLIP command proves what I have stated in my previous post.
  • Oops, I should have known better than to even think about questioning the illustrious Roy Klein Gebbinck.  (note to anyone else reading this thread, who does not know this man... I am NOT being sarcastic.  I really should have known better)

    I have only rarely used Wblock, Hince my ignorance about it including the current layer.

    Thanks for keeping us straight on these things.

  •  P.S.   Perhaps those of us who frequent this forum should think about doing a group purchase of life insurance for Mr. Klein Gebbinck.  If he passes away, we are all going to need to spend extra hours researching problems.  We will need the proceeds from the life insurance to cover the time losses.

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