Simple line selecting problem

Hello! We recently updated few old V11 licences to V16 licences and our worker seems to have small problem with this change. He claims that its much harder to left-click select lines in V16 than V11. Is there option to adjust "hitting accuracy" like grips attraction distance? I tried to google and look trough settings but couldnt find any options about this problem. He is so called "old school" and seems to have hard time adjusting to this. Hope you can help me.


  • Search for GRIPS in Settings.  You can set Grips Attraction on or off and you can set Grips Attraction Distance. 
  • Hello! Thanks for trying to help me but I didnt mean those settings. I am trying to find if there is option how to adjust accuracy when selecting line from "random point". Our worker keeps saying that its harder to hit than before. He keeps showing me "look, I cant hit it like before" and claims this happened when I updated bricscad. Grips work like they did so the problem is not there. He seems to click near the line but not excactly on it and this is supposed to be close enough.
  •  Are you sure Grips Attraction (EnableAttraction user preference) is ON. If yes, try to increase  the Grips Attraction Distance (AttractionDistance user preference). The default value = 4.
  •  Sorry, I was still focussing on the grips, which does not seem the problem. Is it realy about selecting? Is SELECTIONPREVIEW on when no command is active (either 1 or 3). This setting allows to see which entity will be selected when you click. If multiple entities are at the cursor position hitting the TAB key allows to highlight all candidates and you then click when the desired entity highlights.
  • IMO the PICKBOX variable still is the most likely culprit. Another potential cause can be 'huge' coordinates that can cause the cursor to behave in a jumpy manner.
    As a next step I would export the V11 settings and the V16 settings and compare the files.
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