QSAVE Equivalent?

in Other
I'm just switching from to BRICSCAD from AutoCAD and I'm wondering if there is an equivalent command to the AutoCAD command "QSAVE" or "QUICKSAVE"?
Yes, it's the same command: Qsave, which can be launched by pressing the Save toolbutton on the Standard toolbar or the File/Home panel of the Ribbon or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+s.0
Totally off-topic, but you reminded me of an old AutoCAD problem, back at version 10.There was a command to exit AutoCAD without saving. It was END, which is obviously prone to being confused with the the END Snap command. If you were not in the mode you were expecting, and typed END, thinking you were using an object snap, you would suddenly find yourself at the DOS prompt, with your drawing gone.-Joe0
BricsCAD v16
: This command is not yet supported.
Maybe in v17 they will bring it back ;-)0 -
BricsCAD v16
: This command is not yet supported.
Maybe in v17 they will bring it back ;-)
END command was discontinued in AutoCAD since ~v130 -
you must be great fun at parties ;-)0
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